Chaos Memoriam Species in Gaius | World Anvil
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Chaos Memoriam

Chaos Memoriam is a modified amoeba species that is used to record images seen during scrying. The spell Dream has been written into its genome, allowing Memoriam living in a scrying pool to record events that are seen during the spell. These events are then reenacted by the Memoriam in the water when allowed to form a reflective surface.

Basic Information


In most ways similar to its progenitor species the giant amoeba. Memoriam differs in that it contains an additional vacuole called the memory vacuole, in which proteins acting as a substrate for the dream spell's action are stored. These proteins are fixed in position during the course of a scrying spell, and when mana is returned to them they replay their memory of the scrying spell, causing the amoebae themselves to reenact the spell's image.

Genetics and Reproduction

Chaos Memoriam is a modified amoeba species with the Dream spell written into its genome.   Chaos Memoriam reproduces asexually and if it has a recorded memory, the memory is shared by both daughter cells. This allows recorded memories to be copied by simply feeding a group of Memoriam until they reproduce.

Ecology and Habitats

This species lives in clean fresh water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Unless frozen, requires constant feeding to maintain
Scientific Name
Chaos Memoriam
Conservation Status
This species is well-preserved due to its ritual significance in many cultures.

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