Umbra Character in Gaia | World Anvil
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Vessel of Shadows Umbra

Umbra was the first mortal to be chosen by a deity. Before he hatched, he was given a deity's blessing. This forever changed his fate.   When he hatched, Umbra gave off a menacing aura. His scales were black instead of red and he had crimson eyes. He took a couple of steps out of his shell and fell asleep. His parents thought Umbra was sick, but he woke during the night. They entertained him until Umbra fell asleep. Soon, Umbra adapted to sleeping during the night.   After the next couple of years, Umbra felt estranged from his family. Instead of an affinity for fire, Umbra controlled darkness. He still had a resistance to fire, but that didn't make him feel better. His mother tried to comfort him, but it didn't work. His father tried training him, but Umbra didn't want training. He just wanted to feel accepted.   It didn't make it better that he didn't want to be a guardian dragon. To Umbra, it was giving up his freedom and to another being. So refused to become someone's guardian for as long as he lived.   When Umbra learned he was going to have a brother, he was indifferent. To him, it sounded like they were replacing a mistake. Before his brother hatched, his parents decided to name him Ember. When he was born, Ember gave off a powerful aura and went towards Umbra. He hugged him and smiled. Umbra felt an odd warmth. A warmth he hasn't felt in a long time. He couldn't help but love Ember after this. He swore to himself that he would always protect him.   Umbra would always play with Ember. He didn't mind entertaining him or teaching all he knows. But, Umbra still felt out of place. After a couple of years, Umbra left home to learn more about himself. His father understood his reasons, while his mother and Ember were devasted.   During his travels, he met the Yatagarasu clan and trained with them for two years. Here, he learned how to hone his skills. When his training was finish, he continued on his journey. This didn't last long, however. He settled down with the Boltons, a family that nursed him back to health. But things never stay easy for Umbra.   While on his journey, Umbra was keeping tabs on Ember. When he sensed Ember was in danger, Umbra teleported to him. Now Umbra is on a bigger adventure than even he realizes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Umbra is extremely athletic. However, he is skinny and has low stamina.

Body Features

In his human form, Umbra has black spiky hair and lightly tanned skin.

Identifying Characteristics

Besides his crimson eyes, nothing else stands out.

Physical quirks

Through training, Umbra has learned how to use both his hands equally. Umbra usually runs instead of walk.

Special abilities

Umbra has small control over fire but prefers to use darkness instead. Umbra is capable of teleporting by jumping into shadows. This doubles as a pocket dimension. Umbra is able to make shadow clones and engulf his enemy in darkness.

Apparel & Accessories

Umbra typically wears navy blue robes and a black cloth that covers most of his face. His also carries his oni mask which he only wears on missions. At his waist, is a belt with pouches filled with poisons and medicine.

Specialized Equipment

Umbra carries a specialized dagger, knives, and umbrella. He also several types of bombs and a kusarigama. These are all stored in his shadow dimension.

Mental characteristics


Umbra is a male and a heterosexual.


Umbra has learned about his dragon heritage. He was trained by the Yatagarasu clan and learned how to be an assassin, and he learned more about humans from living the Boltons.


As of now, Umbra still works for the Yatagarasu clan.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Umbra learned the art of ninpo and has mastered the basics of his powers.

Failures & Embarrassments

Umbra still unable to produce powerful flames.

Mental Trauma

For the first couple of years of his life, he felt like a mistake. This made Umbra favor solitude.

Intellectual Characteristics

Umbra has learned to be a creative thinker. He is also very manipulative.

Morality & Philosophy

Umbra doesn't have a moral alignment. He does what he thinks is best for his loved ones. Umbra doesn't like wasting things. This mainly pertains to his weapons.


He'll never let a mission be incomplete.

Personality Characteristics


Umbra devoted to helping Ember and is indebted to the Boltons.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Umbra is incredible at strategizing and fighting. He is horrible at comforting others and thinking with his heart.

Likes & Dislikes

Umba likes to eat charred meats, yams, and his favorite drink is milk. He hates whenever his father tries to train him. He also dislikes when people try to pity him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Umbra tries not to get too attached to people. Has trouble with social interactions.

Personality Quirks

Sometimes Umbra forgets that he's wearing his mask.


Umbra doesn't care for his hygiene, but somehow he ends up being oddly clean.


Family Ties

Umbra is the older brother of Ember.

Social Aptitude

Umbra is usually quiet and observant of his surroundings. He's very confident in himself and skills. Although, he doesn't underestimate his opponents.

Hobbies & Pets

Umbra has a secret love for flowers and has his own garden. He especially loves black and blue roses.


Umbra usually speaks in a monotone. He does this to sound intimidating and cool. However, most people can tell he's faking.

Wealth & Financial state

Umbra is fond of all the equipment that he earned while training. However, Umbra loves his umbrella the most. He found it in his shadow dimension.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
After completing his training, he received the title the Rogue Shadow.
Crimson red
Aligned Organization

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