Robin West Character in Gaia | World Anvil
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Robin West

Robin Lewis West (a.k.a. Shorty)

Robin West is your typical nerd. Except for the fact he was picked by a one of the 10th and has two souls. At a young age, Robin didn't have a father. After his second brother was born, his father decided to leave. He soon realized that he wasn't coming back. His mother tried to act like everything was normal, but Robin could see her distress. Robin then decided to be the man of the house and help her mother anyway possible.   At the age of nine, he owned a successful business mowing people's lawn. He even tutored most of the kids in his school. Although, not everything was perfect for Robin. People would make fun of him for how smart he was and his height. The only support he received was from his family. One day, a group of kids wanted to jump him because he refused to help them with their work. After one punch to the face, Robin blacked out. When he came to, he saw that the other kids were on the floor.   When Robin got home, he had enough of the day and went to sleep early. In his dreams, he met himself. The other version of himself explained that he was a soul inside of Robin. He told Robin that he took control and that he'll be more active throughout Robin's life. Then he woke up. He thought it was just a weird dream. When he went to school, however, he heard the soul's voice. He kept ignoring him until the group of boys came for revenge. The soul took over and defeated them with ease. From that day forward, Robin made a special bond with the soul. Robin decided to name the soul Kite.   Over the next five years, Robin and Kite became the ultimate team. Robin was the brains and Kite was the brawn. Whenever they got into a fight, Kite would take over and Robin would come up with plans. They've gotten pretty close, even though they're complete opposites. This is also around when Robin made real friends and members of the 10th came.   On the first day of high school, a junior was trying to follow the tradition of beating up the freshmen. Kite insisted that they fight, but Robin didn't want to make a bad impression on the first day. He ran into a junior and cowered in front of him. The junior was well above average height. When the other junior caught up, he was greeted with a death stare. The junior was petrified with fear. He ran off as fast as could. Robin realized what happened and hugged the junior out of reflex. He smiled back and walked off.   Robin decided to follow him. After a while, the junior wanted to know why he was following him. Robin explained that they are friends now. The junior sighed and kept walking. His name was Axar and he didn't mind having a new friend, considering he barely had any in the first place. The two grew close and eventually, they made a third friend named Erin. The three of them spent most of their time together and helped each other survive high school. Robin even told them about Kite, but he wasn't sure if they believed him or not.   One day, all three were relaxing at a park. Then a portal appeared out in front of them. What came out were three members of the 10th. The deity that chose Robin was Ark, the deity of lightning. Ark liked Robin's personality and never saw someone with a second soul. Then they explained why they needed them.   Robin couldn't wait to go to Gaia. To him, it sounded like an adventurous video game. It took some convincing, but Erin and Axar agreed to help. After eight hours, they returned with luggage. Robin brought with him electronics, food, and a dog whistle. Then they were teleported to Gaia.   After recovering from being teleported, Robin noticed Axar and Erin weren't with him. He also realized he was outside of a giant kingdom. He read a sign next to him. It said that he was near the Judex Kingdom. Without anything better to do, Robin went into the kingdom. With a day, Robin and Kite were thrown into jail. Now, he waits for the other vessels to find him. Robin and Kite also didn't feel like dealing with armed guards. Not that they couldn't handle them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Robin barely has any upper body strength. But, he is extremely fast and agile.

Body Features

Robin has tanned skin. His hair is short, black, and curly.

Facial Features

Robin wears glasses.

Physical quirks

Robin is ambidextrous, while Kite prefers to use his right hand.

Special abilities

Robin is able to manipulate electricity and lightning. He also has super speed and agility. His strength is slightly enhanced. It's possible for Robin to stun his enemies.   Kite can somehow break the fourth wall. This doesn't do anything besides confuse everyone around him.

Apparel & Accessories

Robin likes to wear his gold blue tooth headphones. He prefers to wear a black jacket, a t-shirt, and jeans. He also wears braces on his arms and legs. The braces help him with controlling his powers.

Specialized Equipment

Robin carries with him a metal bo staff that can extend to seven feet. He also carries around a pistol that fires electricity. Robin wears shoes that have been enchanted by Ark. These shoes increase his speed.   Robin wears metal braces on his arms and legs that help him regulate his power. If he takes them off, he'd start surging with power.

Mental characteristics


They're both a heterosexual.


Robin has a high school education. Although he is still in high school. Robin has taken classes in judo so he can defend himself. He has also read a lot of comic books. This helps him understand concepts like multi-verse theory, timelines, and general understanding of how superpowers work. While Kite is an otaku, he knows everything about anime.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Robin started up his own business when he was only nine years old. Robin is capable of thinking faster than the average human.

Mental Trauma

Not having a father while growing up. People constantly bullying Robin because of the fact he was a nerd, short, and didn't have a father.

Intellectual Characteristics

Robin is a very logical and creative thinker. While Kite usually acts without thinking.

Morality & Philosophy

Robin is lawful good, while Kite is chaotic good. They sometimes get into arguments about what to do, but they usually come to some kind of agreement.

Personality Characteristics


Robin is motivated by his friends and family. That and he wants to get his dream job of being a writer. Kite just wants to have fun. Sometimes he can go a bit too far and get Robin into trouble. Although, Kite can be overprotective of Robin at times.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Robin is amazing at directing and manipulating people. Handy with electronics, especially with his phone.

Likes & Dislikes

Robin Likes to draw, write, and listen to music. Kite likes to speak his mind. This usually leads to trouble, however. Kite also likes to get to know people. Both hate being forced to do something.

Vices & Personality flaws

Robin will geek out over anything he thinks is amazing. Even at the worse of times. Kite is impulsive and likes to start fights. He also has a bad habit of taking control when someone insults Robin.

Personality Quirks

Robin usually sneezes whenever Kite takes control. Whenever Robin takes control, Kite hiccups.


Robin will strive to have everything spotless. Kite doesn't care in the slightest how dirty an area is.


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Robin is usually quiet when not with friends. When Kite is in control, he is usually confident and makes jokes.

Hobbies & Pets

Loves playing first person shooters and 2D and 3D fighting games. He has a dog named Pooh.


Robin is usually quiet but talks fast when excited. Robin typically uses the word "Interesting" to describe a lot of things. While Kite usually goes with "Awesome."

Wealth & Financial state

When he was transported to Gaia, Robin brought with him a bag filled with food, his phone, and a dog whistle. He also somehow obtained his metal bo staff, his pistol, and he saw his shoes had bright yellow markings.
If Robin ever decides to take off his braces, he'll have access to his full power.
Dark green
Dirty blonde, curly, short.
110 Ibs
Aligned Organization

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