Lumrial Wulfer Character in Gaia | World Anvil
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Lumrial Wulfer

Vessel of Time Lumrial Wulfer

Calm, collected, and curious. These three words actively describe Lumrial. But before Lumrial was the Vessel of Time, he was the first prince of Kuōden. As a young child, Lumrial was a fast learner. He would spend most of his days in the Kuōden archives. He would also play with his younger brother, Snow.   One day, Lumrial was reading a scroll. It was on how the lycans came to Kuōden and how they colonized the islands. A portal opened in front of Lumrial. Because of his curiosity, he walked through it. While he was traveling to his destination, Lumrial saw strange people and places he hasn't seen before.   Lumrial ended up in a dense forest. He decided to go to the beach to relax after. Instead of calming waves, he saw boats filled with lycans coming to shore. Before he could communicate with them, a portal appeared beside him and sucked him in. He ended up back in the archives, but two figures stood before him. One was hooded and tall while the other looked to be an older version of Lumrial. When Lumrial saw them, he fainted. The older version of Lumrial scowled at the hooded figure while he just shrugged his shoulders.   Lumrial came to and the hooded figure was standing right in front of him. The hooded figure introduced himself as Chrono, the deity of time. He started explaining that he was chosen Lumrial to become the Vessel of Time. As proof, he brought the older version of Lumrial. The other version rolled his eyes and told present day Lumrial that he's being asked to do something big, and he wouldn't mind if he rejected this responsibility. Lumrial looked at the both of them and happily accepted his role. They smiled at Lumrial and vanished.   For several years, Lumrial explored his abilities. He realized how much power he had, but with that power, he could disturb time itself. So he used his power sparingly. However, this didn't stop him from speeding up his learning. At seventeen, Lumrial finished the entire Kuōden archive. Finishing the archive made Lumrial want to learn about the world first hand.   He stole a boat and traveled to the mainland. Before anyone saw him, he took a human form so people wouldn't question a lycan. His travels brought him to Salvia. While there, he saved the princess from kidnappers and became a knight. Now he waits for Snow and the other Vessels to come. Although, he does enjoy hanging out with the princess and learning everything that Salvia has to offer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lumrial is in top physical condition.

Body Features

Lumrial is covered in black fur.

Identifying Characteristics

You'll almost never see Lumrial without his white hood or his weapons. His dark blue eyes are a dead give away.

Physical quirks

Lumrial is ambidextrous but prefers his right hand. Lumrial stands up straight.

Special abilities

Lumrial can see into the future and accurately predict his opponent's next move. He can either speed up or slow his or someone's actions. It's even possible for him to pause time, but it strains his body.

Apparel & Accessories

Lumrial likes wearing a mixture of black and white clothing. Usually sticking with a black top, a white hood, and dark colored pants.

Specialized Equipment

Lumrial carries a sword on his back, a gauntlet on his left hand, and an orb in his bag. He also carries a canteen filled with alcohol.

Mental characteristics


Lumrial is a male that is heterosexual.


Lumrial has been taught by his father and read a lot of books in the Kuōden archive. He's also developed his own fighting style while learning from a drunken master.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lumrial was the first vessel to meet with his deity and to completely master his powers.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sometimes Lumrial changed an event that has caused chaos.

Mental Trauma

Lumrial has seen several outcomes in the future. Some of the times that Lumrial saw has scarred him. Because of this, Lumrial strives for the best outcome for most situations.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lumrial has learned to come up a plan for every situation. This ability is partly due to the fact that he can see into the future. Although, he prefers not to. This doesn't apply when he's just looking a couple of seconds into the future.

Morality & Philosophy

Lumrial is lawful good. He usually follows the rules, but if something doesn't seem right, he'll go against his instincts. Worse comes to he could just rewind a situation.


Lumrial as made a personal promise not to tell someone else's future. He'll do everything in his power to stop something horrible from happening.

Personality Characteristics


Lumrial wants to learn everything about Gaia and Earth. He is also determined to protect Kuōden, his family, and friends.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Lumrial is amazing at sensing people's intentions. Emotions, on the other hand, can be difficult.

Likes & Dislikes

Lumrial likes reading and learning about the past. He also loves playing with his little brother. Even though it's mostly him training Snow.

Virtues & Personality perks

Lumrial can be extremely patient. He can also figure things out easily.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lumrial loves learning about anything. He also actively looks for ways to learn about these things. This usually leads him to problems.

Personality Quirks

Gets extremely happy when there's a chance to learn something new. Does pretty much anything someone asks him to do if offered food.


Lumrial tries his hardest to keep himself clean. Which isn't easy since he prefers to say in his lycan form.


Contacts & Relations

Lumrial has become a sworn knight of the Salvia kingdom.

Family Ties

Lumrial is the older brother of Snow.

Social Aptitude

Lumrial is an introvert and has very poor social skills.

Hobbies & Pets

Lumrial likes reading books.
What you're getting is lycan form. If I decide to, I might add in what he looks like as a human.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First Prince of Kuōden The Time Walker
Dark blue
Aligned Organization

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