Kashythiann Species in Gademu (Galaxias de Magnum Universum) | World Anvil
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The Kashythianns are a race of legend. For centuries, they ruled the galactic northeast and expanded their reach into the northern sector.   Their unique ability for mind control along with their [redacted] aggression and drive for conquest allowed them to become a both a highly efficient civilisation, admired by others, and also a enemy feared and detested by its neighbours.

Basic Information


Kashythianns are large creatures with a dark blueish-green exoskeleton. They have six limbs, four legs and two pincer like protrusions used for manipulating their environment.   Notably, they have a pair of large mandibles that may be used to inject a victim with their mind controlling venom, or alternatively they have a number of thin tentacle like protrusions may deliver the venom.

Genetics and Reproduction

All Kashythianns are trisexual hermaphrodites. Impregnation required three components, an egg, a fertiliser and a gestator. The egg is implanted into the gestator by its provider and the gestator’s blood is then flooded with the fertiliser’s genetic code. As all Kashythianns are fully hermaphroditic, they can produce the three sexual organs as required and effectively produce asexually. Gestators need not be Kashythiann, any individual with Kashythiann mind control venom in them may be used as a gestator, usually killing them in the process, as they are unable to support both themself and the new offspring. Culturally non-Kashythiann gestators are preferred.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kashythianns grow to full maturity very quickly. After birth, they will eat the closest food available, usually their non-Kashythiann gestator, and begin maturing. If provided with all the required nutrients, a Kashythiann can fully mature in one week. The average offspring will weigh around 5 kg at birth and take about 30,000 kg of biomass to mature.

Ecology and Habitats

Kashythianns prefer about 20% O2 concentration, 50% humidity and 27 degrees C temperature. They can survive +/- 20% O2 conc., +/- 50% humidity and +/- 50 degrees C.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kashythianns have a complex societal structure that is highly difficult to understand. It appears that they act as a aggressive pack, with the strongest forming the leadership and the weaker serving the stronger in exchange for luxury and command.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Kashythiann exoskeleton is very strong, with in built carapace like structures and high durability bio-tissue.

Average Intelligence

Able to communicate and think strategically but unable to negotiate with others. This may be a result of [redacted].

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kashythianns have four apposition eyes positioned forward and side facing on their head, giving them 300 degrees of vision. Sonic receptors have been found in small cavities around the head. There is no evidence of receptors to allow smell, however the tounge-like muscle in a Kashythiann’s mouth can discern flavours at an atomic level. Kashythianns are all strong latent psionics, but none have ever shown any sign of active psionic ability. This may have been [redacted].

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Due to the Kashythiann’s mind control venom, any parisitic species that tries to inhabit it comes under its control.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

The main dress code would appear to be armour. More vibrant and extravagant armour indicated a higher rank. Going in no armour was seen as greatly courageous and could garner great appreciation and admiration within Kashythiann society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Invasion and conquest.


From around 200 PGC, Kashythianns commanded the outer rim in the north eastern sector. They expanded rapidly and violently down along their galactic arm. Around 1990 GCE, the came up against major resistance from the Ulmi nation in the galactic east. This forced them to turn west in need of resources to fuel their invasion of the galactic east sector. This put them directly at odds with the Acrylian Empire, Karaellian Empire and later the Xiati Confederacy. This would prove fatal to them as they found their demise at the hands of the Acrylian led Alliance.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Scientific Name
Trastea Kashaea, KTZF-1A45
300 years
Conservation Status
[conpletely redacted]
Average Height
4 - 7 m
Average Weight
150 - 300 kg
Average Length
6 - 8 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All have a blue to green coloured exoskeleton which appears to drift towards blue as the individual ages.

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