Sälethïa Laelis Character in From the Void | World Anvil
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Sälethïa Laelis

Sälethïa Mïsahvä (a.k.a. Säleh)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sälethïa was born in the year 10,641 in the month of Alkhäd to the House Mïsahvä. Her parents were the great-grandchildren of the clan-parents and third heirs of Mïsahvä. Sälethïa was particularly close to her father and paternal grandmother who encouraged her interests outside of the political alignment and pursuits of Mïsahvä.   During her primary education at the Valgaartiran Academy she was introduced to Mizairo Laelis. The close partnership between Mïsahvä and Laelis brought these two together for a life-long friendship and later a thersaven. When Sälethïa returned to the Valgaartiran Academy to pursue her true passion in the history of Ënokh she gained the attention of renowned Mä Dvaar, a historian and professor of history, specializing in the 5th Epoch. Mä Dvaar took Sälethïa as a student and later an understudy. Currently, Mä Dvaar and Sälethïa still work together studying the history of Nir Rizaal and the Great War.   In 10,929 in the month of Dïbe Sälethïa joined House Laelis through a thersaven with Mizairo Laelis. Their thersaven had been agreed upon and planned by the clan parents of Mïsahvä and Laelis some 30 years prior. The clan-parents believed Mizairo and Sälethïa's existing friendship would create a successful and strong thersaven as well as heir for House Laelis. The thersaven produced their daughter, Emë Lëas, two and a half years later.


Primary Education

Sälethïa attended the Valgaartiran Academy for both primary and extended education.


Extended Education

House Mïsahvä intended her extended education to revolve around the politics of the Valgaartiran so she may pursue a position in the Vothihyaal mat'Dïbe. Sälethïa excelled in her primary education, however was unremarkable in her extended education in politics. Once she finished her assigned courses, she continued her education and pursued her own interest in the history of Ënokh. Sälethïa showed an intense passion for the history of the 5th Epoch and garnered the attention of Mä Dvaar and continues to follow him as an under-study.


Sälethïa is employed by Valgaaren and Valgaartiran Academy to study, document, and collect artifact of Zyendil Maar and the ruins of Nir Rizaal. Her talents coupled with that of Mä Dvaar have shed light on some of the most exciting mysteries of Nir Rizaal's past and earned her notoriety in her field.


Sälethïa Laelis

Wife (Vital)

Towards Mizairo Laelis



Mizairo Laelis

Husband (Vital)

Towards Sälethïa Laelis




Sälethï and Mizairo have been married via thersaven for 27 years. They have known each other for about 200 years.

Relationship Reasoning

The thersaven of Mizairo and Sälethïa was agreed upon by Mïsahvä and Laelis clan-parents as the best possible combination for compatibility and cooperation to produce an heir for House Laelis and lead House Laelis should they inherit the title of clan-parents in their lifetime.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both share a strong interest in the general history of Ënokh

Legal Status


Date of Birth
20th of Mazarath
Year of Birth
10641 315 Years old
Long, auburn
7' 7"
324 lbs
Aligned Organization

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