Golems of Sumeria Species in Fringe Earth | World Anvil

Golems of Sumeria

Ancient Sumerian lands saw many myths and legends, but they rarely tell us of all the wonders that were bestowed upon this land. Mesopotamia isn't a very stable region, it's prone to droughts, flash floods and plagues, sometimes even more than any other regions. To go far away and bring water for the plants to survive - golems were used. To make "living" dams on the rivers, golems were assembled into one. And in the times when plagues arrived, and humans had to either leave their homes and risk to be exposed to the illnesses, or stay home and starve because there was nobody to harvest... Golems came to help. Created by Seyt'Awi wizards, these stone creatures were used as a multitool of the ancient world. Fringe Historians argue that creating something and exploiting its labor isn't slavery, since it is not alive. We don't call computer programs our slaves. But recent findings proved that when it came to golems, things were way more complicated...

Basic Information


Golems are either 2.6 meters (about 8.5 feet), or 1.3 meters (or 4.25 ft) tall. Their overall size differs: some were made large and clunky, some - "slim" and fast. But the height is the always the same, one of the two options. Some bigger "models" look like huge bricks or blocks, which makes it easier for them to assemble in a wall or a damb. Others, the thin ones, most likely, were used in warfare. Small golems might've been mining equipment or furniture.

Biological Traits

In 1920s in Iran, a British scientist stumbled upon an odd-looking thing in a cave he was using for his tests with lighting. He repossessed it and brought it to London, where his friend, secretly an elf, saw that this thing had distinct yet eroded facial features, even though they were eroded. It also emitted some magical energy that was tied to Necromancy and Transmutation spells. Very old spells.   The elf told the scientist about Fringe and, when the initial shock passed, they've started experimenting on it. During one of the tests, after it was charged with electricity, it started to talk. Now, another issue has presented itself: nobody knew Ancient Sumerian and how it sounded. A historian and a linguist came in, and after a series of tests they've learned that the language sounded not like an isolate, but like an ancient Indo-European dialect. Later they've arrived to the conclusion it wasn't even Sumerian, but some other language.   After too much strain on its systems, the golem cracked. It was then dissassembled, and inside, a human head was found, and tissue necrosis just started. Way later, when DNA analysis was made, it was confirmed that the golem had a "pilot" which was human and Indo-European in origin. Other golems that were found throughout the Middle East also had either heads or full bodies inside of them. There are some active golems in the modern era, kickstarted by an electrical charge, and there are still spells that allow to understand what they're talking about. They ask for orders. But nobody can talk to them, so they stay inert.

Genetics and Reproduction

The only way to create a golem is with high-powered magic available. Thus, even three thousand years ago, nobody could make them anymore.

Additional Information

Social Structure

We can speculate that there wasn't much social interaction between populations of Mesopotamian cities and the golems. They, most likely, were entirely under control of Seyt'Awi magi and weren't allowed to speak when not spoken to by wizards. But the golems greatly influenced these settlements. They provided resources and helped when no living thing could help. There is evidence that at least one settlement used the golems as city walls.

Facial characteristics

An active golem possesses bright luminescent eyes. It, and basic facial features, are the only things that help tell a golem from a pile of rocks. There are many different eye colors without understanding of their purpose, which allows to theorize that they might have been chosen by the golem creators.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Golems were excavated from all areas surrounding Mesopotamia in modern Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey.

Average Intelligence

Apparently, to operate golems, a developed and quite smart human mind was needed. Though for simpler ones a brain would be enough. More complex ones needed the central nervous system. Seyt'Awi might not understood this, so they prefered to put in just heads or full bodies, and put them in magical stasis.

Civilization and Culture


First golems that we know about were created at some point after 2300 BC, though there are clay fragments that were found in Mesopotamia, that might've been older. From that point and up to Seyt'Awi Exile from the region they were a huge part of everyday lives in Summerian, Babylonian and other empires or city-states. There are theories that people that are encased in the golems are not Sumerians or other locals, but their Indo-European enemies. Closer to the Bronze Age Collapse, they were either smashed, abandoned or made to hide by their creators. Many of them stay underground to this day, inactive.
Unlimited | Бесконечный
Average Physique
Golems are made for hard menial tasks, so they could lift heavy weights and serve as living shields. All of that makes Golems three times as durable and strong as humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The material their casings are made of is clay, made stronger with cutting edge techniques of the time, and magic, of couse. The clay is grey, yellow or brown of color.

D&D Info

Golems are my take on 5e's Warforged © Wizards of the Coast.  

Информация по D&D

Големы - это местная, сильно изменённая версия расы Warforged из D&D 5 редакции © Wizards of the Coast.


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