Selgaunt Settlement in Forgotten Realms Base- Turlagh Empire Rising | World Anvil
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Ruled by Overmaster Telfor with guidance of other wealthy merchants he chose.


Large walls surround the city of Selgaunt. However, a group of mercenaries known as the Golden Griffins guard the city. Their white tabards with a symbol of a golden griffin usually denote their station. The Sceptors have retained their place as the naval fleet with about 40 ships available at any time.

Industry & Trade

Selgaunt is the middle of the trade World in the Eastern Heartlands on the Dragon Coast. Any sort of trade that comes into Sembia mostly comes through Selgaunt. A well oiled machine its port can fit nearly 50-100 ships on a good day with people working all over the docks. It is the primary trade port for the Empire and Aglorand.


Large watermills outside the city to produce much of the food. Well established ports.

Guilds and Factions

The Golden Griffins The Scepters The Princes of The Soil - A group of merchant princes who try to scheme the market The Zhentarim The Night Knives The Hunt - Adventurer's guild


For nearly its entire history Selgaunt has been an economic haven and the city of rule for the Overmaster of Sembia. Despite being under the control of the Netherese a good part of the 15th century, Selgaunt remained nearly untouched due to its ideal station and economic success. When the cloud of darkness receded in the late 1480's Arminious Diedrich freed Selgaunt and helped to reestablish Sembia with Selgaunt once more as its capital. It started to regain its economic freedom and power over the next decade.  In a coup in the city led by Telfor and his Golden Griffin mercenaries, Selgaunt was forcibly taken for the new overmaster after Korbian Tyreses failed to gain any land from Cormyr. Telfor in the year 1510 and for the next three decades would rebuild the sceptors as a privateering force acting as pirates raiding shippinh lines and becoming a naval powerhouse in the general area. Recently it has experienced a massive influx of previous cult of the dragon worshippers and worshippers of Moreal. In the early 1530's a brief spout with some of the mutated creatures in the Hunting grounds caused as area of the city to be exacuated before it was dealt with.


Dragon's Quay

The southern dock's of Selgaunt's harbor, this is usually the place the Sceptors dock and inhabit if they are off duty or need to repair their ships. It also the home for many of the dock workers in Selgaunt.

Stonehammer Tower and Forge 

Run by Heo Stonehammer, this large two towered building is a well known forge for making many cutlasses and weapons for the navy. While it tends to focus on light armor, and thus lacks a distinct amount of the heavier armor, it is all good quality. Recently Heo and his wife Margot have invested in learning how to make guns and bullets from Cormyian designs

Crow's Nest

This pub is a nice one story pub and tavern that tailors to the sea faring folk of the city. A rougher place but well kept, it is a great place to get rumors from around the city.  

Ye Olde Mappe Shoppe

Run by a retired adventurer named Carissa Hely, it is a great place for detailed maps of the area around the world. Maps of the Dalelands, the Empire, Aglorand, Cormyr and the sword coast are all shown throughout. She is a little it of a brash woman but warms up if you shop interest. However, don't pay her in copper, she hates copper  


Run now by the daughter and son of Sebastian Metsk, Lidya and Johnathan run this well established tavern as a home cooked bakery and deserts style tavern. Although food is offered most know it for the delicious pies it serves and various toppings that are offered  

The Excelsior

A dedicated potion and herbalism shop which occasionally teachers classes every 10 day, the excelsior is run by a herbalist known as Prescott the Precious. Don't mind the smell when you walk in though, it can be quite strong.     

Arken Quay

The northern side of the port is mostly warehouse where most of the trade goods come into Selgaunt. It is well patrolled  

The Green Gautlet

The Green Gauntlet run by an old gnome made named Redrick Longnose is a three story building with various dance shows and rooms in the back for sailors who need a time's off.   

Hulorn's Ward

This is the gated off ward of Overmaster telfor and his wild garden of mystical beasts.  

Hulorn Temple

A magnificent marbled three story building with three wings. It is the residence of the Overmaster and also serves as the embassy for various diplomats. Its fine runs and magnificent statues of previous heroes of Sembia and previous overmasters. Nicely decorated and upkeep the golden trim and various reds give it a distinct shou style unlike the rest of the city.  

The Hunting Ground

The hunting ground once was a normal forest with various game for the overmaster to enjoy. However, between the shadowfell corruption and a certain capture of a unicorn, a mix of the feyworld and shadowfell have caused  unusual mutations to occur.   

Raven's Gardens

The wealthiest part of Selgaunt, this northern area is also the home of many of the temples in the area as well as the homes of many nobles. Many taller well structured buildings reside here. Large estates reside as well with many private gardens shown off. the golden griffins keep the riff raff in check here so don't look too poor.  

Twelve Oaks Part

A dedicated area for trees and plants to flourish. It has nice walking paths for citizens to enter and occasionally bards will host free concerts for the civilians here  

Temple of Sune

This temple was recently rebuilt after being destroyed during Netheres takeover. It is a place of worship with a glass ceiling. Priests during the night will offer prayers to moon and tell stories of her greatness.  

The Mage College

This college has been one of the longest standing buildings in Selgaunt. A small college dedicated to the arcane arts, tasks are required for entry. However, all are welcome to visit and asks questions to further their knowledge. Its a two story building with a balcony in the front known for its orb of scrying that people can look into.  

Sanctum of the Scroll

Mostly a general library for citizens to walk into, it is also the temple of Oghma in the back with various readings of historical epics down during ceremonial days,      

Kozakura District

the district of laborers, merchants and artisans and residents from the Far East. This district is the foreign epicenters of Selgaunt offering a variety of places with different spices and  goods    

Hsiang's Lu

This tavern is decorated in a far eastern almost desert like style with all the waiters wearing head wraps. It is infamous for its maps and discussions about an empire far to the east with more wealth than imaginable. It offers a delicious dish or rice and dog as well as other exotic meats  

The Dojo

A martial arts dedicated school meant for those looking to find their inner chi. They are believed to be in touch with the elements and the ability to shoot blasts of their kit from their fists.  

The Silver Lion

This large and healthy trade store is run by the Zhentarim secretly but is under the direct ownership of a dragonborn named Gurrhenth. It is a trading post where some more illegal goods can be obtained if you are willing to pay. However, entry into this establishment requires membership with the silver lion. However, nearly everything is offered in this large block wide building and its various entrances and offers the best of deals.  

Temple of Lathander

This temple dedicated to the god of birth and renewal is a bright building with various fountains surrounding it. Blessings are given daily to those who come. The glassware is specifically designed so a beautiful yellow light focuses the sun on the altar creating a radiant look.  

Chancelgaunt Quarter

This southwestern part of the city is one of the few places that adventurer's can find a home and often like.   

The Tower of Thay

This large black tower is a known place for the red wizards of Thay to study. Due to Selgaunt's open nature they are allowed to stay despite their past and their growing empire across the sea.  

The Black Stag Inn and Tavern

The only tavern really dedicated to adventurer's. It is run by The Hunt Adventure's guild as a safe haven and place for adventurer's looking for work. offering moderate food but nice housing and rooms big enough for entire parties. If you join the guild room and board is free on the guild.  

Temple Grayspire

This intimidating fortress like temple of Shar covers nearly a full block. Gated off as a community, various priests and priestesses of Shar occasionally make their way and open the gates. Its gray like towers that come to a point give it its name.  

Western Sector

This is an entrance to the city of Selgaunt

Merchant Council Marketplace

An open market where various merchants can claim their stalls for the day to sell their wares right as you enter the city. They are buildings as much as a large courtyard with various tents set up and around surrounded by the main merchant quarters which is a large U shaped building.  

Song of Milil

Dedicated to the goddess of Song and poetry, weekly performances  of great epics and tragedies are performed on this large shaded stage providing a unique light. Every year, a competition for all of Sembia to come is held during the summer to see the best voices and poets around.  

Shrine to Tymora

This large golden statue of the goddess of good fortune is surrounded by a fountain where various travelers and merchants often flip gold into for good fortune  

Iron Throne Guildhall

Previously the hall of the Iron Throne Guild, it is now the home of the merchants who help the Overmaster Telfor rule, namely Armand Gingsley, and Zelinda Yurgen. All matters of state are  dealt with here so that the overmaster doesn't have to deal with small problems.  

Copper Alleys

The poor northwestern part of Selgaunt, the rabble and thieves of the city flourish here. Lamposts are often destroyed and windows are boarded up  

Golden Sun Tavern

This run down small tavern is run by a dwarf named Bertrand Beensley. it is the cheapest place to stay and get nutrition but far from the safest.  

The Arena

This fighting arena is run by the Night Knives organization and is a place for fighter's to make money for the entertainment of those desiring something a little bloodier. It is a fight club in a run down gated warehouse.
Founding Date
Circa 380 DR
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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