Bennet Zelezny Cole Character in Fife | World Anvil
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Bennet Zelezny Cole

Agent Bennet Zelezny Cole (a.k.a. Ben)

Bennet Cole is an excellent example of a graduate of the White Host Academy. Steadfast, loyal, fast-thinking, physically and mentally tough. His belief in the Union is absolute. His only qualms come in the form of disillusionment with the lifestyle of a White Host Operator. Part of him yearns to settle down and start a pride group.   During the Global War, Bennet Cole operated alongside Isabel Faith Farely, scoring dozens of successful missions together, and eventually becoming joined to her. When the war ended, Bennet began talking about getting out of the Host, hoping that Isabel would come with him.   Retirement from the White Host is not common. Bennet did not know it at the time, but retirement ultimately meant forgetting everything and losing his wife. A specially bred Spidra species was used to wipe his memories and the Host set up a false identity and life outside of the organisation for him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent physical shape.

Special abilities

Bennet Cole is an expert in matiral arts, counter-insurgency tactics, ariel vehicle piloting, and marksmanship.

Specialized Equipment

Ricken Backer Elite Speical Guass Pistol.

Mental characteristics


Heterosexual; Joined to Isabel Farley


White Host Academy


White Host Agent

Morality & Philosophy

Strong held beliefs in Global Union


Contacts & Relations

Joined to Isabel Faith Farely.

Family Ties

White Host Operatvies are seperated from their native Pride Groups at the age of ten and indocrinated into the Host's culture. This removes the traditional familial ties that most Fifians are so strongly linked to.


Araxis tang; Fifians from Araxis have an unusual sentance structure in the way in which they speak. It's a little longer winded than most and can be mildly poetic at times.

Wealth & Financial state

Wealth is irrelevant to most Fifians, and White Host Operatives in particular perceive money as simply a means to an ends.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Agent Bennet Zelezny Cole.
Date of Birth
36th of Teta
Year of Birth
345 AU 31 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to the Hollow Gate Pride Group
Araxis City.
Current Residence
Araxis City.
Light Blue
Short blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with specks of gold
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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