Dragonborn Species in Ferocia | World Anvil
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Stoic and tall with reflective scales, tails, and claws betraying their draconic blood. Bound by honor and law to The People.

Basic Information


Dragonborn have two arms, two legs with clawed hands and feet. Their heads have two eyes, a snout, and sometimes horns, feathers or hair like tendrils. Their bodies are covered in scales and they have tails that match the length of their legs. All dragonborn have a breath weapon that the nature of it is determined by their scale colour.

Genetics and Reproduction

Caretakers help other dragonborn blow off steam and produce children in the process. The gestation period is 5 months and produces up to 3 eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newly hatched dragonborn walk hours after hatching. They are the equivalent of a 10 year old human by the age of 3. They reach adulthood at 15.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn live in deserts and arid environments, preferring the heat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn tend to eat wheat based food, and any livestock they farm. A few settlements will fish.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn are assigned names based on their skills and professions so their personal name changes over time, but they always put their clan name first. Dragonborn also use nicknames to differentiate between people with the same profession.

Major Organizations

Erbia is the homeland and mighty empire of the Dragonborn.

Beauty Ideals

Dragonborn don't put much stock in beauty. They don't care for natural beauty, but they do appreciate any form of beauty that signifies status. Trophies from fights, medals of recognition, anything that signifies achievement.

Gender Ideals

Dragonborn have no concept of gender, the closest they have are job roles within their society. You are identified by your job more than anything else. Dragonborn who grow up around other races may adopt their ideals of gender.

Relationship Ideals

Family units don't exist in Dragonborn society. All newborns are raised as a unit by a professional teachers and caretakers. These caretakers specialise in helping fellow Dragonborn blow off steam for morale, and to add to the population. Friendships are encouraged for morale, but romances are rare.

Common Dress Code

Dragonborn dresscode is uniform based, dragonborn wear whatever clothing is necessary for their job. They don't have the same concepts of nudity as other races since their sensitive parts are all internal.

Common Taboos

Stepping out of your place in society is a huge taboo, closer to breaking a law. It is understood among dragonborn that everyone has their place and you are free to move within that place but do not step out of line.  
Dragonborn believe magic is too dangerous to be trusted in the hands of mortals. Especially mortals that aren't them. Any dragonborn that presents as a sorcerer is given a handler and is immediately put under high watch and restriction. Many are bound and gagged so they cannot make verbal or somatic spells. But they are still trained as a secret weapon should the dragonborn ever go to war.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The dragonborn are an overly proud people who see themselves as the top of the pecking order. Overall they see most other races as beneath them.  
  Their halfling neighbours are admired for their military prowess and fearless nature, and the logic of having their military in charge. But many dragonborn believe they neglect other areas with their focus on military strength.
The Dwarves are admired for their intellectual pursuits in science, engineering, and arcane studies. Dragonborn find their monarchy system foolish and their worship of ancestors a strange religious practice. Why would one worship their ancestors when they do not offer power as the gods do?  
  The Orcs command of the ocean is commendable, but letting every person have a say in he governing of their people is a doomed system. Why would you let just anyone have a say? Shouldn't this be left to your best minds? Orcs put too much stock in individualism and family relationships instead of focusing on the people as a whole.  
The Planetouched need to be given a guiding hand. They have no purpose or order to them. Dragonborn often try to convert Planetouched to their way of life. Others see them as savages beyond help.  
  Goliaths are seen too rarely to have a strong opinion on. But their focus on the merit of their people is admirable. Their nomadic nature is strange to the dragon born however.  
  The nomadic races, the tabaxi, Goliath and Firbolgs are all seen as savages with no common sense to settle down roots and build an empire
80 years
Average Height
Over 6ft
Average Weight
250 pounds

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