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F.A.U.L.T. is basically a facility where people go or are sent to fix problems. Kinda like a giant therapy facility. It's largely based off Greek Mythology. Each person is given a number and a codename. The codenames are people from myths that share their faults. Faults are basically what's wrong with them or their fatal flaw. For example, the character codenamed Icarus got too close to temptation (aka the temptation of going higher in the original myth) and metaphorically 'burns up' (flies into the sun, again in relation to the myth). F.A.U.L.T. is where they are sent to get rid of their 'faults'.   It is placed in the modern world, just the facility is remote. There is a local town where patients can go shop and roam around. They accept anyone older than a Junior in high school. At the facility, there are therapy sessions, classes for those still in school, and free time. If you're in college, you have to finish your degree online.   The whole story revolves around the main character Cara (codename Pandora), who was sent to F.A.U.L.T. There she meets the other main characters and helps them in some way get over their sins/faults and move on and in return in the very end, they all help her get over her demons.   The main inspiration was basically one day I was listening to Burn, which has an allusion to the story of Icarus in it. I thought 'wouldn't it be cool if there was a guy, codenamed Icarus, who got 'burned up' somehow'. And here we are now. Enjoy!

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