Farthia Accipiter meets Lyra
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Accipiter meets Lyra

Life, Milestone


You know the story, agender bird-person meets storm mage girl...

Accipiter, the wandering spirit they are, has managed to get their tail feathers into trouble. They have been captured by human slavers out of the riverlands, because those Ferriers will pay good money for an Aveskah "pet". The damn human have even clipped their wings, so they can't fly. After a day of fuming in a cage, another of plotting an escape, the slaver convoy is on the edge of Kestrai territory, where there have been rumors of strange weather and stranger people for the last few years. As the convoy rounds a bend in the track, the cages clatter to a halt and the slavers call to each other in surprise and confusion. A young maiden is standing in the middle of the track, clad in the red and gold of the Kestrai. She smiles at the brutish slavers and their clearly miserable cargo for a moment. Then she speaks. "My mother always said that I should see more of the world whenever I can." she said. 'Clearly,' Accipiter thought, 'This girl has no idea what is going on here and will end up caged with the rest of us, if not worse.' "I have no coin to buy my way, but might there be another way to secure passage with you to see the world?" As she spoke, she unfastened her outer cloak, showing her in a thin, sleeveless shift, accentuating her young body. 'Wait a minute,' Accipiter's birdlike eyes narrowed. 'This one is not as she seems.' No sooner had he thought that then the slavers were approaching her with ropes and chains, intent on taking up her offer. Her posture abruptly changed, from born-yesterday maiden to regal noble warrior, bringing the slavers up short. She spoke again, with a smirk across her lips and steel in her voice. "My father also told me to examine others, for they are not often as they seem at first." An echoing, ethereal timbre came into her voice at the last. Accipiter shrank back, for the air suddenly reeked of storms on the horizon. Her eyes and hands flared with light,and the sand at her feet whipped into a whirlwind, obscuring her from view. Lightning flashed out from the dust devil, striking the approaching slavers down in a moment. A hail of ice shards was next, slicing bonds and cages without harm. The remaining slavers attempted to run, but were cut down by a volley of arrows from the hills. The whirlwind faltered a moment, then dissipated with a sigh. The woman became visible again, covered once more in her cloak. As the prisoners stepped carefully, cautiously from their cages, she straightened her shoulders and addressed them. "I am Lyra Bilar Kestrai, heir to the Nest. You are now free to return to your lives. Those of you who need aid will find it provided. Darius?" The last was addressed to a stern archer who was emerging from the woods with his company. He bowed shortly. He also appeared notably unamused to Accipiter's discerning eye. "I'm sure your parents would love to hear of your...distraction milady." "Oh come Darius, it was fun! Using their appetites against them. You would have done the same." Darius harumphed but held his peace. The Kestrai heir continued issuing instructions to aid the freed, faltering as she saw them. They were far from the only Aveskah, but the only full-fledged, and the only one who caught her eye, apparently. She beckoned him over, and he approached with a deep, wing-spreading bow. "What is your name, sharpeye?" She asked. "I am Accipiter Aves, your Highness." She wrinkles her nose at the title and they take a step back, fearing they angered this woman. She shakes her head. "I am only a milady, good Aves, and thankful for it. Though I thank you for your courtesy." "Courtesy is never wasted, milady, especially not on one as radiant as thee." Dammit Accipiter! Now was not the time for a silver tongue! This woman could snuff them out in a moment. Unfortunately, that was rather a weakness of theirs. "Courtly, and yet! But I see your wings are most cruelly cut, is there anything to be done?" "No, only time and rest can heal them, but they'll heal well enough, I should imagine." "Well, then you must return to the aerie with us, so that you may have a sheltered place to heal. Space is limited, I'm afraid, and it would appear you are gravest wounded. You may share my roost while you heal." They sputtered, but thanked her profusely. Later, on the route back to the aerie, Darius sidled up beside Lyra. "It's not simply due to his injury, is it, milady?" She blushed, but said nothing. He snorted a laugh, and moved to join his archers.

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