Farthia Imperial siege of the Moot
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Imperial siege of the Moot

Military action


The Legions of Imperator Pariquin lay siege to the Moot

18 legions were dedicated to the task, again driving the herds before them. When they built their earthen ramps across the lava rings to stand before the walls of The Moot, their rearguard was annihilated by flying wedges of chargers. When they built warmachines to assault the walls, the Silent Hooves harried them. The siege was relentless, but short-lived. The legions had marched into the Steppes, yes, and had driven their foe before them like a wave. But like a wave, the herds flowed around the army’s flanks, which were lightly guarded. As every Minotaur charger learns, one must always protect their flanks, as they are easily gored. The Imperator’s legions learned that lesson the hard way. It likely would not have mattered if the flanks were better guarded, for Minotaur chargers are faster than any warhorse, and their greatbows nearly as powerful as a ballista. Of the eighteen legions, or 150,000 soldiers, only six hundred returned to their master. The rest lay shot, gored, or trampled in the hundred leagues between The Moot and the Bronze Crest.

Related Location
Western Steppes
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