Correlon Organization in Farrah | World Anvil
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Correlon (? - ) is the archipelago home of the High Elves.    Correlon has also been home to elves, but it was not always their only home. After the Elves drove the Dragons underground in 5000 AQ they ruled the lands of Epigea with little challenge. Over time their numbers dwindled as other, shorter lived, species swarmed and expanded across the land. Humans, gnomes, dwarfs, halflings all challenged the Elves for their dominion over Epigea.   Through war and economic decline the Elves' territory gradually diminished until they held only the islands now known collectively as Correlon.   Correlon is still a major power in the region. It has a powerful navy and army with an ancient history. King Salendor rules this nation. The heir to the throne is his son, Prince Nestor Shakur.   There are five major islands that make up Correlon. Each island is named for the largest city on it:  
  • Correlon: This island shares its name with the nation. The Capital city is Correlon, seat of King Salendor.
  • Enoreth: This island is mostly covered in dense jungle, aconfusing and dangerous area for any who are not familiar with the terrain.
  • Celanil: This island has the highest population of any of the major islands. It has much flat, arable land and is the source of much of Correlon's food
  • Liothiel: Least of the five great islands, Liothiel nevertheless is a centre of great culture and learning. It provides a gateway for trade with lands to the east of Correlon.
  • Solonor: Known as the Sentinel of the West. This island is home to much of Correlon's military and navy. Set up to protect Correlon against any attack by foreign aggresors, the waters around Solonor are frequently patrolled by warships.
Geopolitical, Country

In magical research alliance

Correlon and the Queen's Blade have a closer relationship than that which Correlon has the Farrah in general.    The Queen's Blade worked with members of the Correlon army in a tense but cooperative relationship while bound in the Vetala Sword. The Queen's Blade also spoke to Prince Nestor after an assassination attempt on him and the Prince agreed to aid the Queen's Blade in magical research that could help defeat the Vetala.   There is little trust between these parties, but currently they are cooperating. The Queen's Blade being blamed privately for the attempted assassination of Queen Stephanie helped solidify them as partially independent of Farrah in the eyes of the elves.

Non-aggression pact

Correlon and Farrah had a tenuous alliance against the Vetala. This broke down in 518 AQ at the Second Battle of Chixculub.   Correlon was willing to accept a non-aggression pact at Farrah's suggestion while the possibility that the Vetala escaped can be investigated. Correlon has not forgiven the races of Farrah for driving it into its current weakened state. Losses of military at Chixculub are likely part of the reason Correlon was prepared to accept a non-aggression pact.

In a state of cold war

Correlon and Levinas were at war prior to Levinas being invaded by Farrah and ceasing to exist.   Now Levinas has been restored there is a tense relationship. Levinas is looking for allies to support it against Farrah, and Correlon is geographically well placed to do so. Correlon needs trading partners to strengthen itself following the military disaster of the Second Battle of Chixculub in 518 AQ.   Correlon knows Levinas poses no offensive threat currently, whereas the nations of the Gith and Farrah could have the power to attack Correlon's home islands.   Correlon has no goodwill for Levinas, but out of necessity it is not currently at war openly with it.

Harpers outlawed in Correlon

The Harpers are outlawed in Correlon. The King of Correlon views their organisation as an extra-governmental vigilante group illegally using force to achieve aims different to that of the government of Correlon.   There is less harper activity in Correlon than in Farrah, so there is less conflict between these parties, but they are not allies.


The Kimber Wolves do not trust Correlon, and Correlon does not distinguish between them and the Farran government

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