Chromanther Character in Farrah | World Anvil
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Chromanther (? - ) is a hybrid human-displacer beast on murky origin.   Chromanther’s first memories are razor sharp. He stood, fully grown, in a carriage filled with strange trinkets, opposite a strange human.    The human introduced himself as Flitterbug, and said his name was Chromanther. Chromanther knew some things, and did not know others. He knew what a displacer beast was, and what a human was, and understood that he was a mixture of the two. He did not have much knowledge beyond the basics, and could not read Common despite being able to speak it. He also did not know how he came to be as he was. Did Flitterbug create him directly? Was he a person who was combined with a Displacer Beast? Did someone else create him and Flitterbug stole or rescued him? Did he grow from a child and simply forget it, or was he created or born as an adult? Chromanther did not directly ask, and Flitterbug never volunteered the information.   Chromanther and Flitterbug had a close relationship, but did not communicate with one another well. Eventually, Flitterbug went Chromanther away with the Queen’s Blade to assist them.    Chromanther found friends with the Queen’s Blade, and greatly enjoys his work with them. Over time, he has taken Sir Smokey as a role model. He has followed his example in piety to Heironeous, but he does not truly believe in the god, merely following the motions and rituals. He has seen Sir Smokey channeling his anger into power, and emulates it his best effect.    He has no true plans for the future but to enjoy his time with his friends.   Chormanther was played by David Tom.


Greg the Owlbear


Towards Chromanther




Towards Greg the Owlbear


An ordinary displacer beast

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