Faraway Tale, Campaign summary Report in Faraweigh | World Anvil
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Faraway Tale, Campaign summary

General Summary

Session 1: Goblin Attack
  • Story opens in Aelion, a trading village. The village is about to start it's yearly festival of saint gubnuk.
  • Kiwi the Gnome Bard is in the middle of a performance on the stage in front of the town hall.
  • Pota, the Arborian sorcerer, is sitting at a table drinking hard apple juice, and getting a little tipsy.
  • A mysterious half orc monk sits meditating on a table.
  • A human ranger hides in the corner, watching the crowds pass by.
  • The mayor steps up to the stage and begins to address the crowd. He thanks the crowd for coming and invites a cleric of Gubnuk onto the stage.
  • The cleric is a hafling woman who is wearing a red scarf around her face, she holds up her holy symbol and kneels to say a prayer, but makes no noise.
  • Pota cheers, the mayor gives her a mean look.
  • The cleric stands up and steps off the stage.
  • A statue of Saint Gubnuk is revealed.
  • Kiwi and the Half-Orc see a black orb rolling across the ground, it lodges beneath the stage and explodes.
  • Pota cheers, her call is answered with the cheers of about 20 goblins. Goblins begin to swarm the fair.
  • Kiwi attempts to reason with the goblins and is answered with a knife.
  • The half orc jumps of the table and attacks the goblin, who easily dodges his fists.
  • Pota runs up to a pair of goblins and tries to dance with them, but ends up aquardly doing the floss.
  • The goblin attacking Kiwi makes a run for it and the Half-Orc knocks him out.
  • Kiwi and Pota's players had to leave, Pota passes out drunk. The goblins decide to drag her home to eat.
  • Kiwi strikes up a lively battle tune to inspire the other players.
  • The Half Orc proceeds to PUNCH ALL THE GOBLINS. He successfully knocks out 4 goblins each with one hit.
  • Kile (the ranger) also gets in on the scuffle and decapitates one.
  • Kiwi pantsed a goblin with magic, causing him to run away in shame.
  • The Hafling Cleric pulled the mayor out of the bomb crater.
  • The Mayor thanks our heroes for their work and invites them to diner
  • At dinner the mayor expresses his gratitude again.
  • The Half Orc is served a large plate of spaghetti.
  • The mayor hires the two to clear out the goblins, who have been terrorizing the trade caravans recently.
  Session 2: Into the forest
  • Our session opens in the inn, one by one our heroes wake up and meet in the lobby. Their discussion wakes up the Gnome who runs the inn. Kile and Morgus met Kiwi, the Gnome Bard. They decide to set out and fulfill their contract to clear the goblins out of the area
  • Once on the street our team meets the Halfling Cleric from the fair. She offers to join as the team's healer. And they accept. The halfling only speaks using sign language
  • The team decides to explore the forest and find the goblin camp
  • As they explore Kiwi smells something bad. They find a deer speared on a sapling. Kiwi tried to figure out why the deer was there and set off a trap, but dodged it
  • They began to make as much noise as they can to attract the goblins. Kiwi stands in the open while everyone else prepares to ambush.
  • A lone goblin approaches and Kiwi distracts him with insults. Morgus runs up and kills the goblin with one punch.
  • They follow the path the goblin took and find another trap. Kile and Morgus have a contest throwing rocks to set it off.
  • They set up another ambush with Kiwi as bate. A group of 4 goblins shows up.
  • Kiwi taunts the goblins by insulting their moms. One goblin runs, one charges Kiwi and falls into the pit trap. The other two are easily dispatched. Morgus chases down and finishes off the third one.
  • The goblin in the pit trap is still alive, barely. They interrogate him, he falls unconscious. At the request of the Hafling they pull him out, heal him, and stash the body.
  • Morgul starts walking off before the rest of the group is done, it starts to get dark.
  • As Morgul walks a monster sneaks up behind him. It is larger than a horse, with red skin, malformed wings and segments of black carapace
  • The monster strikes at Morgul, raking him across the chest. Morgul tries to punch it back but misses.
  • The rest of the group catches up. Kile immediately recognizes the creature as a Krolmnite, a monster from the Underdark. Kiwi starts to sing an inspirational song, which draws the monster's attention.
  • The monster strikes at Kiwi, several others strike back, it then turns it attention to the Kile, who manages to jump on it's back.
  • The Hafling tries to hit the Krolmnite and breaks her lantern, darkening the area.
  • The Krolmnite begins to thrash around, releasing a cloud of darkness, but Kile manages to hold on.As the monster makes a run for it Kile smacked it on the head with the hilt of his machete, knocking it unconscious.
  • The party gathers arund the creature. Kile explains how he has made it his mission to exterminate these creatures. Then stabs it to death.
  • They loot some body parts and set up for the night. They plan out their watches, which pass without indecent until it is Kiwi's turn.
  • Kiwi wakes up near the end of the Haflins shift (her name is Donna). Donna was talking with a small humanoid wearing a tall hat.
  • Kiwi approaches the fire and gets a better look at the newcomer, who he recognizes as Gubnuk, the saint of travelers.
  • Gubnuk and Kiwi talk. He gives Kiwi some healing potions and asks him to help turn the nearby goblin tribe to the light.
      Session 3: The Goblin Camp
  • AS the heroes wake up they find their way to the goblin camp. Kile sneaks ahead to scout the area out. The camp appears to have 20-30 male goblin warriors
  • Kiwi pleads with the others to give peace a chance. She relates her meeting with Saint Gubnuk and wants to help the goblins see the light. The others reluctantly agree, but prepare for an ambush.
  • Kiwi and Dona approach the camp, they are invited in and Kiwi begins preaching the good word at the top of her lungs.
  • An old goblin emerges from the primary tent and monologues about how they no longer worship Gubnuk because Gubnuk didn't help when they needed it most.
  • Kiwi tries to interject, but the goblin bops him on the head.
  • Kiwi tries to coerce them by telling them that their other option is to be beat up by his companions, who are waiting just outside the camp. The goblins immediately begin to flusth them out.
  • Morgul gets found first, and the goblins surround him, they try to grab him, but he easily fights them off.
  • The chief shoves a spicy pepper up his nose, approaches Morgul, and casts fire Sneeze
  • Kile begins to chop down tents, hoping to trap any goblins inside. Kiwi follows suit while sinning a song of inspiration.
  • Morgul fights valiantly, killing quite a few goblins. Meanwhile Kile gets pinned up against the back tent by some more goblins. The party decides it is best to make a run for it.
  • Morgul is knocked unconscious, Kiwi and Donna have to drag him to safety. Kile exits sepretly, planning on meeting up later.
  • As they leave the Chief commands them to tell everyone that his tribe isn't going anywhere.
  • They meet up and patch up their wounds. Donna explains that although Saint's are revered as gods, they are mortal, and have natural limits. Which is why Gubnuk wasn't able to help the goblins when they were in trouble.
  • Session 4: Ninjas in the Night
  • After taking some time to heal up the party sneaks back to the goblin camp.
  • They find that the goblin camp has mobilized, there are now patrolls and the chief is ordering the goblins around as they collect logs to build a fort.
  • Kiwi aproaches the camp again to negotiate. He promises to find a place where the goblins can live where they won't be at odds with the locals. The chief is interested, but doesn't make any promises.
  • The group immediatly setts off into the woods to find a new place for the goblins to live
  • They follow a river until they find a bridge, where three elven soldiers stop them.
  • Turns out that the queen has ordered preperations for war, Aellion is being evacuated. The party is escorted back to town.
  • On the way back Morgul pickes up a golden ring and puts it on, it shrinks small enough that he can't take it off.
  • Upon ariving they find the town in a state of panic, everyone is running around packing to leave, except Mayor Gaelson who is arguing with the army comander. The mayor doesn't think evacuating the town is nessecary.
  • All the inns are closed so our party has to find somewhere else to stay. Eventually the Mayor reluctantly offers for them to stay at his house.
  • The mayors wife takes the party to her house, where they sleep in the living room.
  • Morgul wakes up in the middle of the night and hears something. Walking out into the hall he sees three black figures comind down the stairs, carying the mayor's daughters.
  • Morgul shouts to wake the party and then attacks the invaders, one of the invaders casts darkness.
  • Morgul runs up the stairs and grapples one of the ninjas while the other two make a run for it. Kyle charges up after them.
  • There is a short scuffle in the halway. Kyle manages to kill one ninja and rescue two of the girls, but one of them gets away by jumping through a window.
  • Kile jumps after the ninja and gives chase, but the ninja looses him in the forest.
  • Meanwhile Morgul manages to knock the last ninja unconcious. They tie the ninja up as the mayors wife tries to get her kids to go back to bed.
  • Eventually the captured ninja wakes up, but refuses to give any information. They unmask her, discovering she is a tiefling. She tries to make a run for it, but they capture and kill her.
  • The party decides to go to bed and decide what to do in the morning
  Session 5: Camps and Krolmnite
  • The party wakes up and discusses what to do next, with war brewing they think it might be best if they get out of town.
  • They catch the mayor's son eavesdropping on them, he denies it and skulks away.
  • The two remaining triplets come storming down the stairs. They seem to think that their missing sister is playing some sort of game. They are still extremely upbeat.
  • Kiwi feels really bad for them and decides they had better try and rescue their sister.
  • The party sets off into the woods. Kile is able to follow the trail of the ninja quite a ways, but eventually looses the trail.
  • As they are wandering through the woods Kile finds some Krolmnite tracks. He immediately goes off to kill it.
  • They find the Krolmnite hunched over in a cave. It's leg is broken and it is sweating white puss. Kiwi and Dona slowly creap in. Kiwi calms the creature while Dona heals it's leg. However, the healing magic only causes it to sweat more.
  • None of them are quite sure what is going on. Kiwi decides to stay behind. They will be keeping in contact using some magic bracelets they got from the ninjas.
  • Kile, Morgul, and Donna go ahead. They walk for several hours without finding anything. Meanwhile, the puss begins to stick to the Krolmnite until it is covered in a thick shell.
  • As night falls, the Party comes across a band of orcs. They are spread out if looking for something.
  • They try to hide, but the clanking of Dona's armor gives them away. The orcs converge, but the arrive one by one alowing the party to dispatch them.
  • Elsewhere Kiwi fell asleep while watching the Krolmnite. He is awakened by a loud cracking sound. The Krolmnite emerges from it's casing having metamorphosised into a feminine humanoid.
  • Kiwi tries to communicate with the humanoid, but they don't share a language. The Krolmnite seems distressed and Kiwi follows it into the forest.
  • They meet up with the rest of the party. The krolmnite is wary, but lets them follow. Kile is in shock, learning that his arch-enemies are capable of sentient thought.
  • They follow the Krolmnite to an Orc war camp. It is early in the morning and the party decides to get some rest in. They successfully disguise their camp to avoid detection.
  Session 6: The Big Bluff
  • The party wakes up at around noon.
  • At first it appears that the Krolmnite woman has run off, but it turns out she had dug herself a burrow to sleep in.
  • Donna uses magic to comunicate with the Krolmnite woman and the group finds out she wants her eggs.
  • Morgul disquises Kiwi as a Midget orc and they infiltrate the camp.
  • They poke around for a little while, they meet an old shamen allong the way.
  • Eventually they find where the animals are kept, put the guards to sleep, find the eggs, acidentaly wake up the guards, and bluff their way out. They also hear that there is some kind of big meeting going on tonight.
  • They return to the party and give the Woman her eggs. She is unable to carry all of them, so leaves one with Kile as a gift
  • Kiwi sneaks back into the camp to see if they can find the mayors daughter.
  • Kiwi causes a big stirr using ilusion magic, this distracts the guards of the General's tent and eventually the General himself.
  • Kiwi sneaks inside the tent and frees the girl. They barely make it back to the party.
  • At this point the Orcs are coming the forest to find them. A group of orcs spots them and the party takes off running. Morgul splits off and draws the orcs after him
  • The rest of the party eventually comes to a stop at the boarder of a river, which they follow back to town. They are almost attacked by and owlbear but they manage to scare it off.
  • Meanwhile Morgul has a run in with a Pixie. He answeres a few riddles and it directs him back to town.
  • The party meets up and decide that the next step is to help Donna on her quest to get her voice back.
  Session 7: Whispers in the Attick
  • This weeks session was mostly just filler while I got things ready for the new players
  • The party is on the road, getting away from the war.
  • As they walk they notice a dwarf hiding in the woods. As they turn to investigate they are attacked from behind
  • Three thugs approach from behind as well. Kiwi begins to sing about dead puppies, bumming one of the thugs out
  • The dwarf attacks, casting flaming hands
  • A tiefling hiding in a tree attacks Kile
  • Morgul kills the dwarf and one of the thugs, Kile takes out the tiefling
  • Kiwi continues to pants and insult the remaining two thugs until they run away.
  • They continue on and come upon a farmhouse. They are welcomed in by a kind, but very tired young Gnomish Mother.
  • She offers to let them stay the night, and her son shows them to their rooms.
  • As they wait for dinner and unwind they hear something running around in the attic. Kiwi tries to pide Piper it out, but only succeeds in making the son angry.
  • At dinner they ask about the noise and the mother insists it's just rats.
  • After the kids are gone she confessed that there is something in the attic. The last adventurers who came through thought they had killed it, but it came back several nights later. The party volunteers to give it a try.
  • They set up an ambush inside the attic and wait as the sun sets. They each find a hiding place. Kile finds the skeleton of a cat.
  • After the sun goes down they begin to hear the sound of something running around.
  • Suddenly a large pile of attic stuff begins to whirl around. It forms into a humanoid wit a cat's skull as it's head. It emits sounds like a child crying.
  • Morgul tries to punch the creature but does no damage. Donna tries to blast it with divine energy but it dodges out of the way.
  • Kiwi draws the thing's attention and it attacks him, grabbing him by the throat and steals his voice.
  • Kiwi breaks free and the creature immediately makes a break for the door. Morgul tries to catch it.
  • The creature jumped off of the railing, only to be blasted back by purple energy.
  • After getting back up the creature curled up into a ball and began to cry. The party questions it, and it claims to be a child that it killed it's father. It only speaks using Kiwi's stolen voice.
  • Kiwi signals Morgul to get the mother.
  • When she gets there the creature rushes at the mother. She turns and runs, but the creature is held back by a barrier of purple energy. It beg's the mother not to go.
  • The mother stops and turns around, realizing that this creature is her dead daughter. She runs back over and they talk in whispers. The creature explains everything, and the mother says goodbye, releasing her spirit to the afterlife.
  Session 8: Old Friends, New Toys
  • The party arrives in the local capital, forgeddin.
  • Morgul goes off on his own, he wants to buy some horses so the party can catch up with his captured master.
  • The rest of the party heads over to the Awl & Compas, the local travel/adventuring supply store. While there they meet Garuuk and Tink. Garuk is Kiwi's old friend, he has grown up into a half Orc paladin. Tink is his traveling companion. She looks like an elf but doesn't act like one.
  • They buy their needed equipment and sucsessfully barter for a fairy harp for Kiwi.
  • Next they head off to the Inverted Anvil, a blacksmith's shop, where Dona turns in her lantern staff to get it repaired.
  • They stop for lunch at the Two cresents inn. The main floor is very crowded. They order some grilled cheeze sandwitches then sit down next to a gigantic dwarf who looks verry sad
  • The dwarf perks up as soon as they sit down.
  • Turns out the Dwarf is Vodkin, Saint of alcohol, he got cursed by his wife so that anything he drinks turns to water. He asks them to bring him his best bottle of wine if they ever come across it.
  • Morgul returns, he has worked out a deal with a Drow. The Drow will give them a shortcut through the underdark to get to Kamantain (the presumed destination of the tiefling they are chasing) If they help him with something along the way.
  • They talk to the Drow, who is outgoing but very vauge about the details of their trip. They agree to meet him at nightfall, Then go and buy some things to provide light
  Session 9: Sewer Blues
  • The group meets Koligan, the dark elf, in the middle of the night, as they had aranged. They ask him for the details of their mission, but he says he is going to withold the details untill he knows they can't back out.
  • Koligan opens a manhole and jumps in, the others folow cautiously.
  • Koligan explains that there is a path to the undertunels hidden in the sewers.
  • The party hears a strange sucking sound, but nothing hapens.
  • They turn the corner to find a large pond blocking their path. Koligan coments that this wasn't there beffore.
  • They turn around to find another path when they sudenly see a gelatinous cube. They hold still and it slides past.
  • Next the party encounters a young girl crying because she lost her parrents. Morgul is suspicious, and under closer examination she turns out to be a Gnome bandit. They make a bargan with him and he lets them go through.
  • They find what might be a wishing well, and toss a coin in for good luck.
  • Moving on they find a botomless pit. Koligan explains that this is where they were headed, and starts pullling out parachutes. They jump down the tunel.
  • At the bottom Dona's parachute fails to open, but Garuk manages to grab her in time.
  Session 10: A Sliver of a Mistake
  • The party wakes up and continues the journy.
  • As they travel along they hear a rumbling sound, then the celing colapses suddenly. Kolligan, Kile, and Kiwi are traped on the other side. The rest will have to find a way through/around the cave in. They try to dig through, but more just colapses on them.
  • They take a side tunel, hoping that it will eventually wrap around. The side tunnel appears to have been dug by something.
  • Soon they run into a bizare creature called a sliver. It attacks them and they kill it.
  • They continue through the hive, fighting more variants, including flying slivers, acid spiting slivers, and giant slivers.
  • They fight there way up a slope, and find themselves in a chamber full of eggs. The sliver swarm comes on them in full force.
  • The queen makes her apearence, Cue the dramatic music! Garuk tries to reson with her, and she orders them to leave. They get out of there as fast as they can.
  • Back in the tunnels Tink transforms into a fox and manages to slip through the cave in. From the other side she helps clear a larger hole.
  • The party continues on, and gradually the tunnel walls fill with glowing spores.
  • They come upon a large patch of glowing moss, which they avoid.
  Session 11: Fun with Fungus
  • The party rests, while Tink keeps watch. She hears someone aproaching, and wakes the others.
  • The party is attacked by two mushroom zombies, lead by a brain creature.
  • Tink moves first, throwing a knife and missing. Koligan gets his crosbow ready.
  • Morgul runs up and punches the brain. Everyone else gets into position. Kiwi casts piercing shriek at the brain, causing ti to be stunned for one turn.
  • The zombies take their turn, they flank Morgul, and one of them gets a hit. The brain has to shake off it's stun.
  • Tink and Koligan both attack the brain. Kyle takes out one of the zombies and Garuk dispatches the other.
  • The brain makes a tactical retreat but Morgul catches up and takes it down. The party decides to continue on.
  • The cave they are in is large and open, the ground is plowed in neat rows. They apear to be walking through some kind of farmland, they can see the lights of a vilage in the distance.
  • Suddenly they hear a call for help!
  • They see a dark gnome being menaced by some kind of humanoid.
  • Kile, Morgul, and Zora run to warn the town. Everyone else goes in to rescue the gnome. The humanoid appears to be made of mushroom flesh, with a jack-o-lantern like smile. They dispatch it quickly.
  • They escort the injured gnome home, he explains that recently the villagers are afaid to farm because of a resurgence of monsters.
  • If it wasn't for all the lights, the town would seem deserted. They decide to talk to the village elder.
  • Upon knocking on the door the elder's assistant peeks out. She only alows one of them to enter, so Kiwi decides to go for it. The mayor is formal, and offers Kiwi a meal, which he denys.
  • The mayor is kind of gruff. During the conversation he mentions that the first person to go missing was Xorixia, the wife of one of the farmers.
  • The group goes to check on Kolligan, who has gotten them rooms at the hotel. They explaing that they want to help the villagers, but he dissagrees. He wants to stay focused on their origional mission. After some discussion he gives them 24 hours.
  • They go to interview Xorixia's husband. He tells them about how his wife came home from a hunting trip extremely sick. She died several days later. However, her body dissapeared before the funeral.
  • They find faint footprints going across the farmlands. They follow them and eventually find a small glowing mushroom.
  • Tink lights the mushroom on fire with a flint and steel. It freeks out and begins to scuttle away. The party follows it.
  • The mushroom runs over to a ring of similar mushrooms. The ring scatters. They continue to chase them, eventually finding a large cave. A soft glow comes out of the cave, and they spot glowing moss on the celing.
  • Morgul tries to shoot the moss, misses several times, but eventually lands a hit.The moss freaks out and makes a run for it. They chase it, and are attacked by another brain with a contingent of four zombies.
  Session 12: Follow that Rug!
  • The party confronts the attacking group. The zombies fan out and the brain hides behind them.
  • Tink and morgul confront the zombies. Garuk and Kile arive to back them up. Garuk charges the zombies and Kile gets a shot off at the brain.
  • Tink flanks the zombies and throws a dagger at brain. Morgul goes to town on the zombies. Garuk breaks through and chops the brain in half.
  • The glowing moss continues to run. The main group chases after it. Kiwi and Morgul head back to get reinforcements.
  • The moss mat moves very slowly. They decide to attack a rope to it. Kile ties a rope to one of his crosbow bolts, then tries to shoot it.
  • Kile misses several times, so he decides just to stab the bolt into it. As soon as he does the mat drops to the floor and hisses at him. Garuk intimidates the thing into standing down, and it runs away again. They chase it
  • As they go along a pair of large, fungus covered rats fall in step behind them.
  • The mat leads them into a cave with another strange mushroom. This one is purple and covered in tenticles. It attacks, and they manage to kill it after a short skirmish. The mat makes it's getaway.
  • They continue in to a large chamber. In the center of the chamber a humanoid figure is conversing with several brain creatures. They aproach and the brains scuttle off.
  • The humanoid is a drow, who'se body is infested with fungus, even forming a dress for her.
  • The creature introduces herself as Xorixa. She frequenly breaks out in laughter. The party tries to explain that she is hurting the nearby village, but she ignores them. It quickly becomes clear she is insane. She keeps ranting about her friend, the Zygomind, who is constantly talking to her.
  • Garuk starts shouting at Xorixa, attacking her ego, telling her that the zygomind is planning on discarding her. She gets angry and attacks.
  • Tenticles erupt from the mushrooms surounding her and she tries to grab Garuk. Tink and Kyle flank her, taking out her mushrooms. Dona backs the party up.
  • Xorixa backs up, summoning more mushrooms to form a defensive wall. Kyle works his way around the wall to get her.
  • Xorixa turns her attention to Kyle, managing to graple him with her tenticle. Kyle manages to break free. Garuk continues to harras her, attempting to cut off her head. She returns her attention to him.
  • The party manages to deal a lot of damage to Xorixa, and she begins to retreat. They give chase, and Garuk finishes her off by cutting her open. They loot the body, finding plenty of gold and a magic belt. They head back to the village.
  Session 13: Welcome to Una-Juntan
  • The party rueturns to town after killing Xorixa. They immediatly head over to the town hall to talk with the elder.
  • They knock, and the elder's assistant opens the door. Garuk shows her the severed head of Xorixa. She closes the door, but comes back soon, and invites them inside.
  • They come in and show the head to the mayor. He offers them a reward, they decline, but he incists, and gets out his bag of trinkets. He gives them a strange box of cards, and promses some more rations.
  • They stay the night at the inn, and head out the next day. As they travel they test out their new magic items. Tink's belt automatically retrieves her daggers, Garuk discovers that the cards in the box alow him to cast a limited amount of spells.
  • After a week's journey they arrive at Unda-Juntan. It is a gigantic circular cavern with dwellings carved into the walls.
  • They split up, kyle, Morgul, and Donna go to a large forge to get Kyle some new armor. Garuk, Tink, and Kiwi go out to get some bounties on their Sliver skins.
  • Kyle leads his party over to Elite, a gigantic furnace run by Duregar. Kyle asks them to make armor from his Krolmnite skins. However, they only work with metal, so they turn him away.
  • The other group goes over to the city hall. After waiting for a couple hours they get their reward.
  • Meanwhile, Kile finds Gruffy, a tanner, who agrees to make the armor.
  • On their way to meet up with Koligan they are aproached by an Effriti woman. Her name is Madam Clare, and she runs a potion shop named Dragon Spice. She recognises them as adventurers and asks them to come by soon, since she is a little overstocked.
  • They meet Kolligan at a small bar called the Cranney. Kolligan introduces them to Diggs, a Siflnerbien who will be the groups tunnel digger.
  • They head back to Dragon Spice to buy potions, they get an experimental potion to regenerate limbs. They then cut off Morgul's finger that has the ring of truth, and he drinks the potion to get the finger back.
  Session 14: Into the Vault
  • The party finishes their buisiness at Una-Juntan. They spend a week traveling to their next destination.
  • One night Tink has a strange dream. She wanders through several landscapes folowing a whispering voice. She finds a gazebo with a fox shrine. The fox beacons her in her mother's voice.
  • They arive at a small cavern and meet up with digs. He introduces them to his juvenile Dhol, a worm the size of a truck, who will be digging the tunnel.
  • Diggs gets to work and the party takes a rest.
  • In the morning they head up the tunnel and enter into the dwarven vault. They are confronted by a maze.
  • Tink Transforms into a fox and Garuk drinks a potion to become a cat. They scout out ahead.
  • The animals get ambushed by a pair of robotic spiders. Tink turns back into an elf and calls for help. The rest of the party comes running.
  • They take out the two spiders, and the spiders explode as they die, alerting the rest of the monsters.
  • More metal spiders come swarming at them, they begin a desperate fight, mostly trying to avoid the spiders and make it to the exit.
  • Tink pulles out the deck of magic cards, and acidentaly cast a spell to slow time. Using her new speed she manages to dispatch the rest of the spiders.
  • They make their way around to the exit of the maze. They come to a large room with six doors. One of the large doors has four padlocks.
  • Tink uses the cards to cast detect magic. A small aura eminates from behind one of the doors.
  • They go through the door and find a large chest containing several immovable rods.
  • The side of the room is a large cavern, and there is a glint of something metallic on the other side.
  • Tink uses the immovavle rods to cross the cavern and grab the object, which turns out to be a key for one of the padlocks
  Session 15: We've got a Dungeon, Where's the Dragon?
  • We pick up where we left off last session, with the party in the middle of unlocking a dwarven vault.
  • They still have three rooms to go.
  • In the next room they find a cage full of monkeys, after several failed attempts, and a bit of poop flinging, Kiwi manages to mage hand a key out from the middle of the cage.
  • The next room contains a boulder with a chain leading up to the hole in the cealing. Kyle tries to lift the boulder, finding it surprisingly light, then the ceeling begins to drop on him. Kile manages to catch the ceeling. Garuk see’s the key then runs in and grabbs it.
  • Kile makes it out all right.
  • Kile, Tink, and Garuk become trapped in the final room, and have to hastily put together a tangram puzzle as the room fills with poisonus gass.
  • After they complete the puzzel, Kile hears two raspy voices whispering to each other, and Tink sees a pair of eyes watching them through a slit in the cealing which quickly slams shut.
  • They take the keys and unlock the door, revealing a large ciruclar room covered in runes. A spotlight shines in the middle of the room.
  • Garuk Tries to sneak around the room, but the spotlight shifts to shine on him. A strange voice demands to know who he is and why he is here.
  • Garuk gives the voice a fake name, but the voice repeatedly demands his real name. Garuk asks the stranger to come out, at which point a large dragon made out of many interlocking metal pieces drops from the cealing.
  • Garuk distracts the dragon while the others try to open the far door.
  • They try to sneak past, but it is very obvious the dragon knows they are there.
  • The dragon introduces themself as Justakar, the living embodyment of the law.
  • Garuk tries to convince the dragon to let them take the few items they came for, arguing that if everyone knows the items are heare others will come, and the party can hide them somewhere safe.
  • Justakar is having none of it, afirming that the items are perfectly safe with him.
  • Eventualy the GM gets tired of arguing and gives in, so Justakar decides to let them take what they want, but he will be following them very closely.
  • Justakar examines them one by one, detects Kolligan’s evil alignment, and atacks him. Kolligan runs, and Justakar chases him, leaving the party alone in the room.
  • They open the doors and find the items they are looking for.
  • Saint Vodkin’s flask is a huge metal club with a cork on the end.
  • The eye of Malakar is a crystal sphere with a large eyeball inside. Kiwi touches it and falls limp as he see’s everything! They manage to get his hand off of they crystal by wrapping Garuk’s hand in cloth.
  • Kile pockets some armor for his new pet as well.
  • When they leave they are greeted by Justakar. He scans them Kile manages to bluff not having taken anything.
  • After a short discussion they decide to put the eye back. They exit the vault, noticing a strange lack of exploded robot spider parts.
  • Not wanting to go into the underdark again they decide to leave the main door.
  • It’s locked but they can see a light on the other side.
  • They knock, and after 10 minuets the doors open to reveal about 20 armed dwarves who immediatly arrest them.
  Session 16: On Trial
  • The party is swiftly escorted to the prison by the dwarves, Justicar is nowhere to be seen. Allong the way they pass several murals of Saint Vikinger's achivements.
  • While staying the night at the prison they are approached by a misterious figure. This is the saint of thieves, and he offers to break them out in return for claiming a favor down the road. They turn him down.
  • In the morning they are shipped off to be tried for breaking into Saint Vikinger's vault. Given the choice between two lawyers they choose Zu Sishu the tiefling. He tried to get them a shorter sentance as acomplishes to Kolligan.
  • Wizbrodish, Saint of Good Advice, is the judge, the trial goes poorly.
  • When Saint Wizbrodish finds out about their encounter with Justicar he is visibly distraught. He rushes them off to meet with Saint Vikinger.
  • Upon arriving in the castle they walk through an anti-Magic Field. Tink's magic disguise is dispelled and she reveals her true form as a Kitsune, the party doesn't spend to long on this, since they have more pressing matters.
  • They find Saint Vikinger in the armory, getting equiped. Justicar, having been satisfied by the party's capture, scolded saint Vikinger for his poor security then flew off somewhere else. Saint Vikinger is furious. He tells the party to take one of the boats leaving the next day and never return to Dwarvenhiem.
  • The party runs a few errands in town.
  Session 17: Battle on the High Seas
  • The party sets out on a boat ride to the north. Tink learns a little bit about seafaring.
  • Two weeks into the journy a huge storm picks up, most of the party goes below decks.
  • While helping out with the ropes tink spots a spellcaster flying over the seas.
  • The sorcerer flies over and speaks to the crew. He announces himslef as a follower of the Kraken Olgnath, and demands that the crew hand over all valuables. When they refuse their ship is boarded by inkling pirates. The party rushes out on deck and the battle begins.
  • The inklings try to trap the players by spraying the deck with ink. Garuk and Tink grab ropes and start swinging around.
  • After an epic fight (that I've forgotten the details of) The party kills 3 of the 4 pirates and Garuk Stabs the sorcerer out of the sky.
  • The Party sails on.
  Session 18: Mystery of Dwarven Docks
  • After a few more days of sailing the party arives at a small town named Nidvale, a small dwarven town the ship can use to restock supplies.
  • As soon as they dock they are immediatly approached by the town's governer. The town has not had any ships come by in a month and the town is worried. The party explains what happened, the Inklings are most likely forming a blocade.
  • The party spends some time exploring the town and hanging out at the local inn. They go to bed and are attacked by a pair of inklings in the middle of the night, who they manage to fend off.
  Session 19: The Ink Thickens
  • After the inklings attempted to assasinate the party, they decide that they should post a guard.
  • Tink takes the first watch, and she hears noise out on the street.
  • She sneaks out and finds that the town Governer and his councelors are having a spontaneous midnight meeting, she follows them towards the town hall, and listens in.
  • Some of the council members have talked with the inklings and say they can strike a deal to end the embargo. They want the mayor to come out and disscus the deal in person. The governer reluctantly agrees and the council sets off into the forest to meet the inklings. Tink trails them from a distance.
  • They march through the forest and come to a steep cliff with a small path, they follow the path down the cliff and reach a rocky beach.
  • The dwarves run into a pair of inkling guards, and the council tries to capture the governer and give him over. Tink tries to save the governer, but ends up captured herself.
  Session 20: Where did the fox go?
  • Tink wakes up in a damp jail cell. The Governer and his council are also in the jail. The inklings have been captuing town members and replacint them with inklings in disguise, that's how they were able to capture the mayor.
  • Meanwhile, back at the inn, Donna wakes up and realises Tink is missing she wakes everone else up.
  • The party gathers around, and Kile gives Chunky an impropmtu lesson on the "track" skill. Chunky starts to follow tinks scent. He goes outside, walks around the town hall once or twice, then heads off into the woods.
  • As the party follows the trail, they meet the governer and his councellors going in the other direction. The party can tell something is off but they aren't sure what.
  • The party decides to split up, Kiwi and Morgul head back to town, hoping to follow quietly.
  • Kile and Donna decide to keep following Tink's trail.
  Session 21: New Friends and Bad Mayors
  • Kiwi and Garuk head back to the village. When they get there the sneek in through the back door of the back door of the town hall.
  • Kiwi makes his way to the mayors office, He finds out the mayor has been replaced by an inkling in disguise.
  • With some good bluff rolls Kiwi pretends to be an inkling as well, and gets the fake mayor to spill the beans. The fake mayor plans to hold a meeting anouncing that the inkings will be able to protect ships, in return for a tax.
  • Meanwhile, Kile and Donna follow Chunky as he sniffs tink's trail. They head down a clif, narrowly avoiding falling, and onto a rocky beach.
  • They spot a cave guarded by two inklings, the party sneaks up and initates combat.
  • There is a quick and furious fight, One of the guards make a break to alert everyone, heading into the cave.
  • A stranger steps foreward and takes the inkling out with a shocking grasp. The stranger introduces himself as Asarim
Session 22: Into the Ink
  • Garuk Goins with Morgul and Kiwi. They strategise for a bit and decide to talk to the mayor again.
  • Garuk busts down the door, a quick, furious fight begins.
  • The mayors guards come in and try to help, but Garuk intimidates them into standing down.
  • The party kills the mayor and prooves to the guards that he was a fake, they then send the guards to gather the townspeople.
  • Meanwhile, Asarim, Kile, and Donna infiltrate the inkling base, they beat several guards and rescue tink.
Session 23: Inklings, Final Showdown
  • Upon exiting the Town hall, Kiwi, Morgul, and Garruk find a small crowd of dwarves has gathered outside. They explain what is going on and root out a few disguised inklings hiding in the crowd. They then flush out their seecret hideout in one of the storage sheds.
  • The rest of the party finds the Inklings ferforming some sort of ritual at their seecret temple. They attack to disrupt the ritual. The inkling bard begins performing on an electric guitar.
  • After a round of combat, Kiwi, Morgul, and Garruk arive and join the fight. Garruk steals the inkling's guitar.
  • The inklings call for reinforcements, and the tide begins to rise, limiting the combat space. Kile uses some caltrops for crowd control, one of the inklings is killed because fo the caltrops.
  • The party kills all the inklings, but the inklings manage to complete the ritual. A voice speeks out of the fountain and Kiwi poses as an inkling and tells them that everything is fine
  • The party makes their way back to the dwarf town, and sets sail the next morning
Session 24: Welcome to Kamantain
  • As they sail they notice that the comunication bracelets are starting to glow, suspecting someone is spying on them they stow the bracelets away.
  • The party arrives in the city of Zu-Sishu, a port city in the north end of Kamantain. They disembark. A mail courrier delivers a letter to Garuk from Garuk's mother
  • They ask around and find the Red Pony, the most popular inn in town. They book some rooms then head out to explore the town. Tink and Garuk find a hole-in-the-wall magic shop, talk with the store owner, and check out some of the wares, but don't buy anything.
  • The party meets up at a tavern where a group is performing.
  • While there, Tink noticed a tiefling wearing a scarf with a fox paw on it. When she points it out, no one else sees the mark.
  • Tink aproaches the Tiefling, who turns out to be a Kitsune in disguise. He gives her direction on how to get to the fox's denn. Then he takes the party to see the sleeping wyvern he is transporting
  This is where the record ends. Dona went on to become a proliffic adventurer. Kyle was later seen somwhere on the continent of Wilder, but his fate is unknown.  The fates of Garuk, Kiwi, Tink, Asarim, and Morgul are also unknown. 
Report Date
08 Mar 2019

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