Fourdoort Mountain Range Geographic Location in Fantasy | World Anvil
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Fourdoort Mountain Range

The Fourdoort mountain range is a mountain range located by the ^Leonan Sea^. It contains fourteen different mountains and a river that runs from Mt Roaent down to the sea.   Mt Roaent is named after an ancient Maranian queen named Roaent Mestara, who was known for bringing together the people of Marana under the rule of the royal family. She was the third Maranian queen and was also known for creating the The Mother’s Crown in memory of her grandmother. Mt Roaent is the fifth smallest mountain and has one of the lushest ecosystems out of all the mountains due to the river that runs from it.

Fauna & Flora

The Fourdoort mountain range is home to a large number of animals. It was home to the Fourduum a species of four legged furry animals that were overhunted to extinction for their meat and fur.
Mountain Range

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