Droicia Estate Building / Landmark in Fantasy Novel Setting WIP | World Anvil
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Droicia Estate (droh-ISS-ee-ya)

This is the setting of the majority of Chapter One.
The home of Lord and Lady Droicia, overlooking Droyca. It is a five minute walk through the estate's lands down a switchback road into town.   Related Characters

Related Characters

Lord Droicia (Lord Droicia's Office)
Lady Droicia
young Lord Droicia
young Lady Droicia
young Lady Droicia
Guard Captain Yanto P'rees (also Weapons Master for young Lord Droicia)
Governess Cadi F'aughn
Scholar Brendanig
["Ma"] Shainy
Glyn, stablehand
Gwion P'yanti, guard
Reese P'yanti, guard

Purpose / Function

This is the home and place of business for Lord and Lady Droicia, who both govern Droyca and function as ambassadors to Chaecrya, Epraisia, and other countries that meet at this nexus of diplomatic intent.


Growth? Original architecture?


Dun with broch-style outbuildings. Functionally a manor house.   Chapter One includes Great Hall, kitchens, library, higher-use hallways, lesser-used/servants' hallways, and more. Fields are discussed, visible from the courtyard.


The estate was designed as a seat of political power, and as such it is both fort and council hall. While regularly open to the people of Droyca and welcoming emissaries from several countries, heavy walls and guards defend the building and its people from attack. Visitors must arrive in a walled courtyard if they wish to enter the dun.


The estate was created sometime after the town of Droyca, as the village had become a crossroads between major roads used by many peoples. The tendency to meet there only grew with the welcome of the village elders, and the King of Chailara wanted to have someone keeping an eye on the negotiations which began happening in the area. He appointed one of his distant relatives by marriage into the role of lord, and supplied people and materials to build a fort on the hill above the then-village, as well as someone who essentially became the city planner. The village elders were given an official supervisory role of the village and sat as members of the lord's council, merging the new lord into the existing structure of the village.

Estate, including Manor House and assorted support buildings

Founded in
1st-2nd century RR

Controlled by
Lord and Lady Droicia

Alternate Names
Dunadroyci (din-uh-DROY-see)

Located in


The Midlands

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