Milo Greenbottle Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Milo Greenbottle

Milo Greenbottle (a.k.a. little one, patches)

Milo is a small halfling with dishwater blonde hair that usually is kept up out of his face for battle ( ponytail, bun, whatever works ). He was a member of the red brands but was found giving more money than he should to his aunt, so he left after almost being killed by one of the members and has been out for revenge ever since. He went to a small town called Parville and made unlikely friends with a loud but motherly dwarf named Brundi. He continues to help her out and follow her around as hes made a great attachment, and wants to be there if she needs assistance. Hes somewhat of an impulsive thief, but his intentions are never bad. He likes his friends and would do anything to make sure they were out of harms way.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and small in terms of halflings, good for his sneaky nature.

Body Features

Body fits that of a thief, hands able to fit in small places, and fingers for picking locks.

Facial Features

Typical of a halfing, wide innocent eyes, somewhat of a baby face, a light dust of freckles, unsuspecting in all manners.

Apparel & Accessories

Despite his race loving bright colors, Milo doesn't care much for his fashion. His clothes are dull in color and is usually covered in a cloak with the color of a deep green. The only bright piece of cloth in a red bandana always tucked away.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of an older settlement, vacant for five centuries until some hardy settlers set about rebuilding it some years back. Drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the nearby foothills, Milo came to Phandalin as well, not to earn a living, but to prey on those who struck it rich. He joined a gang calling itself the Redbrands and made some decent coin as a burglar, enforcer, or fence. But he must have made an enemy among his fellow Redbrands. Someone set him up. On that person’s word, the head of the Redbrands—a wizard called Glasstaff—tried to have him killed. He escaped, barely alive and thanking Tymora, the goddess of good fortune, for his luck. He fled Phandalin, almost penniless and with only the tools of his trade to his name.     Family: Milo lived in a small town growing up, his family making their living off of selling crops and animals from their farm. His mother was kind and caring, and his father always inspired him of tales of past adventures he went on. Nobody really believes his tales, all except Milo anyway. He has a brother and a sister, his brother being larger in the family and quiet loud mouthed and unafraid of speaking his mind. Hes very affectionate when it comes to his siblings. His sister is more thoughtful in life, but still has a bright manner about her and makes good impressions on everyone she meets. Milo and her spent a lot of time together when they were younger, and enjoyed playing small pranks on their brother and a few towns folk.


Learned his archery skills from his father Korric.


Currently is building up a small inn in the town of Leilon to help boost moral.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has saved the sword coast region many times, has a wife he loves very much and has been stable for the past year or so. No thuggery and ill intent.

Failures & Embarrassments

Deeply regrets the murder of Burt.   Getting captured by Glass staff   Letting Eric kill Aubrey

Mental Trauma

Though he's been more stable since the incident, Milo had fallen victim to a horde of ghouls, and being the only one in the room and also trapped, met a gruesome end. He suffered after his revival, developing strange habits shortly after. He also has a bad history with the Redbrands, and horrible battle experiences. He's always quick to run away, and that often hurts others.   Though these wounds may have healed, they still hurt.

Morality & Philosophy

Though Milo's stances had been very self centered in the past, only caring about him and people he sees as close, he's become more focused on the good of the people. Whether he achieves it through unlawful manners, he's confident in helping those who used to be like him; angry, confused, and overall in need of help. He's also gotten better at standing his ground in a fight, willing to die with his new found family.

Personality Characteristics


Keeping Brundi company and safe.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: little noise, good music, time to himself, shiny things, milk   Dislikes: people, crowds

Virtues & Personality perks

If given good motivation, he would probably steal something for you   Severity of his crime depends of severity of prize.

Vices & Personality flaws

His perks could get him (and you) into trouble if he's caught.


Plays into his halfling nature of being clean, but for the life of him can't seem to take care of his frizzy hair.


Contacts & Relations

Milo has criminal contacts due to his background.

Family Ties

Aubry Greenbottle (Lightfoot)

  Young halfling with red hair. Usually gets up early and goes to bed early. Curious and carefree, flits around town.   Long time friend of Milo. Always interested in obtaining an animal companion. Was gravely wounded by Eric and saved by Brundi who decided to follow after them.   Aubry seems fond of millo and certainly Ginger. she has recently taken to training with Airadiel in the ways of a ranger. she has previously trained with milo in more roguish ways.   After confessing her desire to be life partners with Milo she concocted a plan with Enera for a Shotgun marriage of sorts at the Midsummer festival. She is now happily married to Milo and franticly trying to run the greenbottle Inn tavern in Leilon.

Religious Views

Milo has never been one to devote to a god (other than Tymora of course, when he feels like she benefits him) but recently, he has had strange interactions with gods and even a vision of sorts, so he would say he has a healthy respect for their power and knowledge.

Social Aptitude

Milo is rather socially awkward, not enjoying being around people and generally expecting the worst from them. He can get choked up on his words often when speaking with strangers, despite his "tough guy" persona he likes to put on. overall he's just a little ball of nerves ready to explode at the slightest inconvenience.


Milo can often be seen wringing his hands together with hunched shoulders while he talks, like a gremlin preparing to steal your bread (Most likely will if you don't watch it) but it truly is nothing more than a nervous tick.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a squirrel that he has befriended named Ginger, and a riding mastiff named Ruffian   Milo might not admit it to others, but he's a sucker for a great novel, and enjoys trying to make his own.


He is very expressive when he speaks, often using his hands and insane and sometimes long winded analogies (he loves his analogies) to get his point across. He can become unaware of how loud he gets when excited or frustrated.


Milo Greenbottle


Towards Iarno Albrek


Iarno Albrek


Towards Milo Greenbottle


Short halfling, former member of the Redbrands.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Hazel green
Dishwater blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
29 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Thieves can't

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