Father Valko Daragor Character in Experimental World | World Anvil
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Father Valko Daragor

Mental characteristics


Father Valko Daragor's latest job was that of a priest at the Chapel of Selune in Graymoor, a tiny hamlet in Damara. As the chapel was the most organized institute in Graymoor, it also served as the town's source of governing and was given the utmost authority on legal matters.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In addition to the harmonious relations between the many ancestries and cultures that have amalgamated in the small town over the last few decades, Graymoor has also experienced remarkably fertile soil and mild weather despite the harsh climate of northeastern Faerun. These conditions contribute to an abundance of crops and animal-based products like cream and cheese which provide food security, as well as stimulate the town's economy as farmers are able to sell their excess products to nearby settlements in Damara.
In his services at the chapel, Father Daragor preached a doctrine about equity and acceptance which was well received by Graymoor's citizens. Because of the small population and lack of tourism, Graymoor has a fairly insulated population, so few realize just how unique the Father's take on devotion to Selune really is compared to other communities of the same faith.
In total, there are three people who have learned of the Father's private allegiance to the evil deity Malar, and of those, just one knows that the tenants he presented to the adherents of the chapel were the result of Selune and Malar's doctrines being combined. As a result of this, all of Graymoor has been unwittingly worshipping Malar alongside Selune. The Father used the power of their faith in addition to the blood sacrifices he made in the dead of night to ensure the bounty and fertility of Graymoor's land and people.

Failures & Embarrassments

Father Daragor's most ambitious plan was also the cause of his death. Though he was able to create a better life for others in the town, he was never satisfied with his own life. Graymoor was close to a utopia, though it lacked the acceptance of lycanthropy he dreamed of. As he progressed in his years it became harder to hide his lycanthropic nature and his transformations, but hardest of all was keeping an essential part of who he was a shameful secret as everyone else around him found joy in their lives.
In fact, the condition was so far stigmatized that it was rarely spoken of. When Graymoor inhabitant Eryn Gilly contracted lycanthropy just before her coming of age, she didn't understand what was happening to her and in the fear and confusion of her initial transformations she unwittingly killed a local farmer's cattle and the tavern owner's beloved horse.
The Father took her under her wing under the pretense of learning how to flourish with her condition rather than suffering seeing it as a curse. Perhaps if it had been his younger self, this would have been the case, but his heart had long since grown cold. Carrying out five gruesome murders in quick succession - both as sacrifices to Malar, and to remove those who posed as obstacles to his grand plan - he took advantage of Eryn's naivety and convinced her that they were her doing.
He used her resulting guilt to keep her a docile and loyal servant as he prepared for the yearly Feast of the Moon. This year would be different though, as he would use it to trap and kill all of Graymoor's inhabitants to wipe the slate clean and build his utopic vision from its ashes. It was at this Feast that his plot was uncovered by two adventurer-turned-detectives, the final conflict freeing Eryn of his influence, and killing him before he could commit any other murders.

Morality & Philosophy

Father Daragor was a born lycanthrope. Having dealt with the condition his whole life, he dreamed of a society where lycanthropes could develop their abilities and learn to control them without the stigma attached to lycanthropy. Over time, though, others' treatment of him and others with lycanthropic conditions embittered him. While he continued operating on a strict personal code, his morality shifted from neutral toward evil. In his mind the immoral actions he took in the years before his death were justifiable because they contributed to his vision of a utopia for lycanthropes.
Lawful Evil

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