The Ozolithian Language Language in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

The Ozolithian Language

The Eldritch Language

I welcome any feedback on this. It's been rough getting it all together and it is still missing so much. I've neglected words in the dictionary as many of these things are still a work in progress. Any problems, contradictions, or even general "Hey, that won't work" kind of issues would be more than appreciated.

A language of small words

The Ozolithian Language is one that started out artificial, naturally evolving as time went on. It was a gift to the people of Ozlith from their gods. Few speak it in the present, but those that do find it to be a fascinating subject of study. The language was created to be efficient, containing few words that have more than one syllable. The language featured two written form, one for formal use and the other for all other situations. The former is far more interesting as it is an eldritch language that embeds itself in the mind. One doesn't always need to know the language to understand it when read.

With functions like flux vowels and syllabic emphasis, Ozolithian has an emphasis on simplicity and efficiency. Syllabic emphasis is the major contrast between this language and others. Words are broken down into individual syllables which can be used on their own or with other single syllable words that create a new word entirely when combined. When written, the language does not put spaces between words and instead puts spaces between key parts of a sentence or between two complete thoughts.

An example:
Oz: god or gods
Lith: general, often Platonic, love. Usually reserved for family (see Fun Fact: Let Me Count The Ways)

Fun fact: the lands that the gods love

The term "Ozlith" is the only time you will see the word "lith" used in the language. The people of Ozlith simply didn't use it, constructing a new word to mean platonic or familial love. This decision came from the desire to honor the The Living Gods of Ozlith who the people worshipped heavily in their earlier years. The word also drops the Ozolithian word for land, which is even more peculiar for a language devoted to specifics. "Ozlith" is unique and the only word of its kind in either version of the language.

The basics


Sentence clusters

Sentence clusters are what the language revolves around. Many words nails with your language have one syllable. Many other words in the language have multiple syllables and can be created by combining single syllable words to create a new word, the word Ozlith being a prime example. Ozlith can be spaced from other sentence clusters without punctuation or capitalization because it is not only a complete sentence, but is also a single word that can be used as a noun.

Ozolithian has two different sets of both written and spoken language. Formal Ozolithian is the language in its purest form, being the form handed down by the gods of Ozlith. The informal was created due to a combination of changes, both intentional and naturally occurring, that altered the language's original form for many reasons.



At the height of the Empire, the informal form of both spoken and written language were far more common, the formal being problematic in many ways. The informal is often easier to learn because it relies on fewer abstract concepts, and can be written using standard forms of text using the Ozolithian alphabet.

The informal is far less focused on contextual information, making conversations easier to have because you can say exactly what you mean, instead of having everything you say and what is spoken to you become a puzzle that needs to be solved by those who don't speak the language.

It's more adaptive and evolved much in its time, later becoming the basis for most human language in the present and is a fundamental ingredient in Com'mon, the most widely spoken language in the world.

  • Has no Arcane effects
  • This allows for variations and dialects since you don't have to be as precise with the rules.
  • This does not have any freeform qualities.

  • It's much easier to learn, especially since most languages spoken in the present have evolved from it.
  • Not Hazardous
  • This continues to grow and evolve in Lartasia where the language is still spoken.
  • This features a much more diverse and complex lexicon where new words can be added, often borrowed or vaguely altered from other languages.

  • This cannot be used to achieve Arcane effects.
  • Evolves rapidly to the point where a dialect can often appear like an entirely different language.


Formal Ozolithian has a different set of rules, as well as a different set of symbols representing letters. It allows for personalized forms of those symbols in one's own writing. These personal symbols would later be known as sigils and can bring forth arcane effects in speech as seen with Ozolithian Axioms.

The formal language is cumbersome and in some cases unhealthy to use. Formal Ozolithian is the only other form of viral language seen in the history of the world, the first being the language of the Alfen Ancestors.

One can understand the intention behind Formal Ozolithian words and feel the emotions behind them, but cannot understand what it means without knowing how to read and speak the language, causing mental strain that can result in insanity.

  • Free form for those who are fluent,
  • This relies heavily on accuracy in the rules of the language
  • This has arcane effects
  • When heard or read by somebody who is equally fluent, you will never find your words taken out of context or misunderstood.
  • This can be used to achieve more powerful Arcane effects in axioms and sigils
  • Personalized alphabets, so long as they are kept consistent with next to no variance when writing, can almost guarantee that whatever is that you are writing is going to be kept secret and can be used as a cipher.

  • Difficult to learn
  • Potentially dangerous when heard or read by those not fluent
  • Becomes stagnant overtime due to its inability to grow and evolve, making translation difficult.
    Note: the differences between the formal and informal are not fully expressed in this article. Formal as lithium will get its own article discussing the specific rules of the language as well as its writing. The remainder of this article will only discuss rules that only pertain to the informal variant animals that the two forms share.    

Fun Fact: Lartasian Language

In the nation of Nations, commonly referred to as Lartasia, the informal variant of a language grew and evolved to such a degree it's practically a different language in and of itself, although it follows the same rules. Looking at a word in both languages that mean the same thing can sometimes confusing, as it's hard to determine how the word of all the overtime. Some words have nothing in common with their root, and linguists who study both languages refuse to state that Lartasian is a variant of Ozolithian.

Spelling & Phonology


↓Manner/Place→ BilabialLabiodentalDentalAlveolarPalato-alveolarPalatalVelar
Stopt dk
Fricativevθ ðs zʃx
Lateral approximantlʎ
Low-midɛɔ ʌ
Phonotactics (WIP)
C= All consonants V=all vowels Possible word structures: CV

Flux Vowels never appear before or after the same vowel phoneme in a word.

Words with adpositions must place the adposition next to a consonant.  
C= Consonant inventory:d k l m n s t v x z ð ŋ ɹ ʃ ʎ θ

V=Vowel inventory: i o u æ ɑ ɔ ɛ ɪ ʊ ʌ  
Illegal Combinations (WIP): (kl), (tv), (tv), (nl), (ml), (dl), (ms), (ns), (ðn), (ðm), (ðk)


Main word order: Subject-Verb-Object-Oblique. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary opened the door with a key.

Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun they reference in a single cluster.

Stress pattern: Second — stress is on the second syllable in formal Ozolithian, but Informal Ozolithian varies depending on the speaker as different groups in the empire improvised stressing while learning to speak.

Due to the Vigor Economy Ozlith used for millennia, Ozolithian never developed more than a few ways of adding tense. Formal Ozolithian has no recognition of time, and since people in the empire could potentially live indefinitely, there was no need for placing importance or to indicate their relevance in future events for the informal as well. The culture of Ozlith was heavily focused on the present as well. Past events do have a sense of importance but words were already in place to indicate past events. just as there were for future events. As such all words in both forms of the language are considered present tense unless one of these specific words are present in the statement.

Indicating past- Lox (Losh, like wash): A state of time in the past, used to achieve the same effect as "Before" in English. Attaches to a sentence structure to indicate the sentence is discussing past events.   Indicating future - Borit: (Boar-eat) A state of time in the future, used to achieve the same effect as "later" or any other method of indicating events that occur beyond the present.



Due to a focus on the non-physical aspects of existence, especially at the height of the empire, the anti-materialistic values of Ozlith are expressed in their language. There is no method used in Ozolithian to indicate true possession and ownership. The closest one has is -in (een as in seen), a sentence specific suffix that is placed at the end of a single thought or sentence to indicate the following sentence is an element or product of the subject in the first sentence. As an example, no Ozolithian would say Ozolithian Language. They would say "Ozolithim Dezon." The term "Ozolithian" was expressed as "Ozlithim." This indicates the following sentence or thought is a product of, or an element of the subject: Ozlith. Dezon is a sentence cluster that means:

Dez(Dehz as in Desire): manner of or method of...
On (Awn as in yawn): speech or speaking

If one was to say "Ozolithim Dezon," they are not saying Ozlith's language nor are they saying Ozolithian language. Both of those statements imply ownership of language. They legitimately believed that the language wasn't theirs. This cultural thinking is what helped them absorb so many different ethnic groups into the empire.

What they are actually saying is hard to translate into English due to the emphasis we have on possession. While you are not wrong in the fact that this is Ozlith's language, the closest translation is by taking the subject and using it In a prepositional phrase but with "in" as "of" indicates possession.
"The way of speaking in the land that gods love." or "The language spoken in the land the gods love."


PronunciationSpelling (ENG)
ð th
ŋ n
ɔ a
ɔ o
ɛ e
ɹ r
ʃ x
ʌ u
ʎ y
θ th
S c


6 Words.

Spacing and capitalization.

When writing in either form of the language, there are rules for spaces included, where punctuation is used, and when you would have a "Capital letter."
  • Capital letters are simply a slight variance to the original character in the alphabet. This variance is a line drawn through the character indicating the start of a new sentence or a separate thought. Proper nouns are not capitalized automatically.
  • Spacing occurs between two sentence clusters or between two specific sentences. "Ozlith" is a complete thought. Due to its peculiarity in the language it means "The land/people the gods love" or "The land/people loved by the gods." Since its meaning is in itself a single sentence it can be kept separate since the entire "word" can be used as a proper noun to create a more complex sentence.



-im (eem as in Seem):
This Connects two or more sentence clusters in which following clusters often contain other adpositions. It is an indication that the complete sentence is continued in following clusters. In many ways these proceeding clusters function like additional objects that can be swapped for or added to the object of the first cluster. They can also add objects to a sentence if the first cluster functions as a single word. This functions similar to many prepositional phrases and conjunctions in English.

Ia- (eeyuh as in academia):
A preposition that indicates what follows is an explanation, a reason, or an answer to a question, whether the question is directly asked or implied by the statement. It functions similarly to the way the word "because" is used, but is used even if there is no presence of a question. Anytime a question is used this preposition will always be attached to a sentence structure that contains the answer, allowing it to follow other sentence structures in an attempt to answer questions that are implied or have yet to be asked.

-Is- (eece as in Greece)
This handles fragmented word clusters that are neither compounded words, extensions of a previous cluster, or complete thoughts. These fragments are usually a series of descriptors, adjectives that describe the subject or object only in the cluster that appears before it. This functions similarly to "and," "or," and "but." However, which is said depends on flux vowels used.


Fun fact: Let Me Count The Ways...

The language of Ozlith is an anomaly for linguists in the present. The eldritch nature of the seven gods who created it and gave it to humanity makes it impossible to fully comprehend. This didn't stop the language from reflecting the culture of it's speakers as languages tend to do. The Ozolithian language is known for being concise and rarely maintains different words for the same meaning. One of the only exceptions is the word for love.

Ozolith developed five words for love:

  • Lith: which was only to be used in the context of the divine as the name was given by the gods to their people Oz-lith ( The land that the gods love.)

  • Mith: romantic attachment, usually a deep and passionate attachment to the one referenced.

  • Vith: love out of infatuation or lust which was regarded as the initial stage of development in obtaining Mith.

  • Cith: a word that replaced Lith, meaning platonic or familial love.

  • Kith: The love relating to non living things such as possessions, intellectual concepts, locations, etc.

Singular and Plural

Generally speaking, when using the language, you want to be as specific as possible. Formal Ozolithian has no way of altering words to indicate whether it is singular or plural, instead requiring the one using the language to specify. As such, everything is singular unless a word indicating more than one is used.

The same method is used in the informal variant, however, there are a lot more words to use that indicate or emphasize whether something is singular or plural. In the formal variant you are required to specify exact numbers if there is more than one, but in the informal variant there are general terms one can use to indicate there are more than one without specifying the exact amount in the same way that English uses "Many" or "A lot."


There are few pronouns in the language because they are simply not needed due to other rules at its disposal. The sentence you just read has 2 pronouns: "they" and "it." In both informal and formal Ozolithian, you would say the same thing, but need no pronouns to do so, The word substitute is used since the word pronoun has no translation.

Ozolithim dezon lit'i'aelis iadal.
The above sentence best translates to: The way of speaking in the land the gods love has few substitutes due to/because of (the) rules.

Possessive determiners

Because there is no sense of possession in the language, there are no possessive determiners. There are some unique proper nouns that do indicate possession which can be used as a possessive determiner, but the cultural meaning behind the word will be radically different than its English translation. An example would be the statements that relate to the first and second person. While pronouns do not exist in the language, flux vowels indicate functions like I, Me, They, and You, allowing one to discuss themselves and to address others. Flux Vowels are discussed here shortly.


There is no change to a word indicate tense, but there are flex vowels and adpositions that allow one to specify when something is happening, if it is currently happening, or if it has happened. This means there are no perfective and imperfective aspects as well.


Flux Vowels

You may have noticed while reading that there is a major difference when spelling and saying Ozlith and Ozolithian. Why the added "O?" What function does it serve? Flux vowels are used as single syllables in a cluster to change some aspect of that cluster.

O (uh as in dug)

By inserting "O" between "Oz" and "Lith" you reverse the function of the words without restructuring the cluster. The most accurate way of translating Ozlith given its unique status in the language is: "(The land) loved by the gods," referring directly to the object of the gods love despite the word for land not being present. Ozolith is best translated to: "(The land) that loves the gods."

It's usage with other words that are not as unique waned drastically over the ages. It's usage exponentially decreases the later one goes in the language's history. The reason is because the vowel is redundant. It can often be easier to restructure your sentence and it's not always clear what to get reversed and how it is to be understood. This flux vowel is simply a figment of the formal variant of the language. The formal variant requires its use for the arcane effects to manifest, as as such, the one who is reading or hearing your words will know exactly how the vowel is intended to be used. With Informal Ozolithian, its use died long ago.

'i' (ih as in lit)

This represents a negative reversal of the word cluster it is placed in. Its used in a similar way that we use the word not, the -un prefix, and nor. By placing this in a cluster you are simply specifying the sentence is meant to be a negative. Usually this vowel is stressed, indicated by the quotes that surround it. An example is "litael."

Lit(leet as in elite): few

Ael(ale as in... ale) substitute/s

Litael (leet-ale): Few substitutes without the 'i' flux vowel.

Lit'i'ael (leet-ih-ale): many substitutes with the 'i' flux vowel.

A'(aw as in awesome)

This appears at the beginning of the first cluster in a sentence and is the only flux vowel you will see starting a cluster. It indicates that the entire sentence of word clusters after it are given as a question, a request for information with the expectation of a response. It is followed by one of five words indicating the nature of the question and stands as its own cluster. It is rarely seen in written form, but when it is, it is always capitalized.

Questions: A'ra (aw-ray): "Who?" This is used to ask for a name on its own (who are you) or specific information about another person outside of the conversation when attached to a cluster. A'ra Retaulos ozolithis - (is Retaulus Ozolithian)

Ret - (ret as in secret): Man

Aul - (all as in all): Strong

Os - (us as in must):Heart

Retaulos: Man of/with a strong heart (used as a name in this context.)

Articles under The Ozolithian Language

Cover image: by Mark Rasmuson on Unsplash


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Dec 17, 2019 17:36

This.. is very detailed. ummm....   Ret kith ozlithim iadal.   did I do it right? I need more WORDS! Also, put the existing ones in the dictionary!

Dec 17, 2019 18:47 by R. Dylon Elder

Yeah, it wasn't supposed to so much. I was going for a naming language then decided it would have a bigger role... then I was trying to create a language and make it somewhat believable. Its... a task, to both write and read im sure. thanks for taking a look!   OH MY GOD you got it perfectly. Ill be adding a flux vowel that relates to I/Me but with what ive written, youre spot on. You love the rules of Ozolithian! Well done!   More words are coming and ill be adding the words in the article tonight as well. got to work out phonotactics first sadly. =/

Dec 17, 2019 18:49 by R. Dylon Elder

ohhhhh wait, you missed the flux vowel O in Ozolithim. super minor thing cause the sentence still works in the context of World Anvil XD

Dec 18, 2019 06:37

Maybe add the prefixes and suffixes to the dictionary as well for completeness.

Dec 18, 2019 06:38

I'll have to reread the part about the extra 'o'. I'm not sure what the rule is.

Dec 18, 2019 07:10 by R. Dylon Elder

The O is a redundant flux Vowel that is only really used with the word Ozlith. lol no need to reread the nonsense. Ozlith is more about the land overall, Ozolith is a product of the land. It's people, its culture, its trade goods, etc would all use Ozolithian, as opposed to Ozlithian

Dec 18, 2019 20:25

I agree that this is quite detailed, and possible a hard read for a non-linguist. I think your constant pronounciation guides are unnecessary, because the writing seems quite logical, especially since you have a pronounciation guide on the page that we can refer to.   I also think there are some inaccuracies. First you have word "cith" but no mention of how the c should be pronounced (s? k? ts??). You also write "Ael(ale as in... ale)" but according to your pronounciation guide 'ael' should be [ɔɛl] and English 'ale' is [eɪl].

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
Dec 18, 2019 21:30 by R. Dylon Elder

Ah! Thanks for pointing that out. my spelling table is actually wrong and a and o make the same sound. the correct spelling should be ál I think. I'll work on that one. Thanks so.much!   So the reason why I have the pronunciation is the way that I do is because number one I don't want people to have to constantly refer to the pronunciation table oh, and I also don't expect everyone to know IPA, I certainly don't know it that well and this is already hard enough on non liguists XD thank you for taking the time and again thank you so much for pointing out those problems

Jan 28, 2020 14:59 by Janet Forbes

Wow - an excellent and very detailed article! Love the concepts you've used here!

  • Janet Forbes (Founder of World Anvil, fantasy author and RPG designer)
  • Grab your hammer and GO WORLDBUILD!
    Jan 28, 2020 17:32 by R. Dylon Elder

    O.O omg thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. Apologies for the sub par dictionary, but thanks so much!

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