Vigor Economies Tradition / Ritual in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

Vigor Economies

We all have such little time...

For information on other economies in the world check out this article.  

In Ozlith, a strange tradition emerged in the wake of the wide usage of Nominubi. This tradition would become known as a Vigor Economy, which would be adopted by Lartasia many years after the empire fell.
The central premise of a Vigor credit economy, as well as its likelihood of success, is based on spiritualist culture. A culture that sees life as wealth is most likely to value this system the most. The Widow was a goddess of death and rebirth, but not of life. This honor would go to her sister, The Red Maiden.

The concept of rebirth did grant her insight into the importance of life, as well as the value in taking it. Using the complex Blood Sigils that her sister created, the Widow would propose an economic system based on the literal exchange of life.
Every minute lived is a minute that cannot be spent on anything else, every hour can be exchanged for whatever you desire, but it should not be wasted, for when you reach zero, you die.

The people took to this well. Due to the fact that most people died long before they die of old age, which was the standard set upon by the Widow, it meant free money for some, and a way of postponing death and earning that prolonged life for others.
This system was most profitable to those in the military who took this currency from each kill. Soldiers would bring a massive influx of time in to the empire, becoming some of the most wealthy members of society. Given how warlike Ozlith was, it made sense.
The currency was called vigor and was measured in the same way that Ozlith measured time.

The Method of Trade

The exchange of vigor is based on Marks for women and Nominubi for men. Special blood sigils were used on strips of impossibly soft cloth that allowed for the exchange of vigor. In many ways it is similar to how we view a wallet.
These sigils could keep track of how much time you had left before you died of old age, and kept a very detailed letter of every exchange of vigor that has ever been made in your life. This is one of many reasons why a man's name is always recovered upon his death.
The nominubus is not only the single means for which his name can be known to the world, but it also contains the vigor he had left should he have died from something other than old age.
The same goes for a woman's mark. The life that was left would be divided among the deceased's family, who would customarily donate 50% of it to The Empire, which is kept in the cloth and hung from The Tree of Red Light


Investments were often complicated, as the risk is considerably higher should you not get a return. Investment property considered wasted endeavors, but the Empire routinely invested in its people in the form of grants given by red priestesses.

Red Blessings

These grants came to be called red blessings, and were given liberally without any requirement of repayment. Anyone could petition a red priestess for her blessing and if it is heard and accepted, they would receive it within days.

How much one received varies. There were no conditions one had to meet in order to receive these red blessings, but the amount that you received was based heavily on just how much you had to offer. A soldier would receive significantly more compared to a common farmer, and your social status can be a determining factor as well. Nobles would receive more than common folk. Women were given more than men, especially if they were pregnant, though there wasn't always how it would be.

At its highest point, the empire desired more soldiers and citizens above all else, leading to limitations of LGBTQ citizens despite how accepted they were in society.

Tithes and Taxes

One of the greatest hurdles the empire had to overcome was dealing with the pitfalls of all economic systems. One such pitfall was how to handle tithes in taxes. Tithes and taxes were often required for those who possess significantly more vigor then others. Soldiers were often tax to the highest and accepted this tax willingly. The primary function of it was to control the amount of figure that was coming into the empire after a war. Anyone with the ability to use vigor as a currency, meaning anyone with a mark or nominubus, could take Vigor from anyone or anything they killed, whether it be a lowly sewer rat or an enemy general on the field of battle.
The empress at the time asked each Soldier to pay a certain percentage of the vigor they collected, and placed that vigor in a tree at the center of her palace. This tree is known as the tree of red light, and every Nomimubus or mark collected from the dead would hang from its branches. This is the secret to how the empire handled inflation.
Marriage, which was mutually beneficial financially in the way of grants, was not allowed for same sex couples, for example .
During this time, men could have been given more than women simply because they could impregnate more women than a women could have children in the span of a nine month period of time.  

Breaking Zero

It should be obvious what happens when somebody reaches zero. To have no wealth is to have no life, and therefore you die. This can get rather complicated in certain situations.
As previously stated it is required that, should you take out a loan, you must pay it. For this reason, zero is a lot closer for those who have debt. If you are brought to a point where all the time you have left equals the ammount you owe, you die. This is one of the major reasons why the Empire never had issues with poverty.

While there are always diminished returns when taking Vigor from something that is not of the same species as yourself, many of those who were in debt and fearful of their death were able to prolong their life by hunting any animal that can be easy to catch, or at the very least easy to kill.
This became prominent in the latter days of the empire. It was so prominent, in fact, that bounty hunters began popping up and would routinely seek out and kill those who would take advantage of the economic system.
Upon one's death, or should the one who gave them the loan need repayment to continue living, all debts that they owed would be paid in full based on the agreements made.

Fun Fact:

The Ten Red Rivers

An old Legend among the people of the Empire involved a thieves guild that found a way to work around this most secure of currencies. The group's 10 members each found methods of taking time off of a person's life without them knowing and without being tracked. This method was to taking a single minute once every few months off of the person they were stealing from.

They would do this to hundreds, maybe thousands of people at a time, gaining massive ammounts of vigor in consistent and non-invasive ways. It's never clear how they did it, but the group did exist, and were on the top of the Empire's most wanted list, even to the point of promising freedom from death by old age to those who assisted in their capture.

The Eldritch Blessing

Many wonder why Ozlith was such a phenomenal millirary force. They wondered how they could be so skilled in combat. The secret lies in their economy. The centurians were able to a mass such vigor, that they could spend their time to purchase healing from the universe itself. They could pay years of their life in exchange for the promise of walking off the battlefield alive.

Every death was a mistake that they learned from, and it would never be made again. In the end, a centurian still dies. One cannot use this gift if given a wound that grants instant death. They couldnt use it too often, as each purchase was more expensive than the last. This is what led to the empire.

This is what allowed for their economy to grow. This is known to no one at the time of Expedition Demeter. On top of this pseudo-resurrection, anyone could invigorate themselves using this currency. Diseases can be cured, youth can be maintained, fatigue can be shrugged off, and ones speed, strength, and senses can be enhanced.

The Centurian Legions

While soldiers often had a surplus of vigor, none were able to achieve the sheer wealth that The Seven Centurion Legions of Ozlith were able to gain. Hundreds of thousands of years were stockpiled by these warriors. They spent their vigor in all the same ways as others did, but by maintaining inflation, and by the centurions paying their tithes, they seldom found something with a high enough cost to put a dent in their hoard.

Other Races

There is an important detail that should be considered when it comes to other races using this particular economic system: This system was designed by gods for the sole use of humans.
Other races are completely barred from making a purchase or obtaining vigor. It isnt entirely clear why, nor is it known why one can still gain vigor by killing them, though not as much as one would expect.

It is impossible for these long-lived races to use this economic system, and as such long-lived races were very rare in Ozlith and are just as rare in Lartasia which is the only nation using it at the time of Expedition Demeter.

Blood Money


To take out a loan or to give one is literally the exchange of your life. It was heavily regulated, and a hard limit on how much you could to give or get was placed. The process of taking out a loan was often a lengthy one.
Both parties would Place their hand on the other's mark or nominubus and begin negotiating the pact that would seal in blood. Most of the negotiations were based on how much was to be paid, how much was to be paid back, as well as how much time you had to pay it back. Once negotiations were settled and mutual agreements were made, the pact was sealed.
by metmuseum


The system worked remarkably well and allowed for anyone to improve their means, if they were willing to risk their life to do it. At the end of the day we all need material things to survive such as food and water. Given time and accumulation of wealth, worldly pleasures and luxuries may not seem so risky.
It is true that luxury and materialistic desires are part of what it means to be human, and those who pursued such desires were never scolded or punished for it. The worst one could expect is a lecture on how one should be careful with how they spend their lives, in this case literally.
Creating such luxuries became a very lucrative career choice. Artisans enjoyed an easy life, though not as much as a soldier. Prostitution is said to have began in Ozlith, and these men and women would enjoy the highest social status one could obtain while not being associated with the inner workings of the empire.

Inflation and the Tree of Red Light

The Tree Of Red Light was a massive tree that rested at the heart of the capital. It was often considered the heart of the empire. It is the place where all the dead go, their marks and nominubi hanging from its branches. What many in the empire did not know is that when they hung the strips of cloth on the tree, often with the majority of the deceased's vigor that was to be donated still held within them, the tree would feed on it.
This tree would be the sole reason why inflation never occurred. If everyone was destined to have a long life, what value would they see in a single year?

  The tree would take in the Vigor placed in each strip of cloth. Every tax and tithe collected would be given to it. The tree developed into an entirely different species of flora, the first and last of its kind. It grew to Impossible heights, its roots reaching deep and far to the point where the entire capital would be held in its embrace. In the latter days of the Ozolithian empire, people would often hang these strips of cloth on the roots outside their front door instead of the branches in the central square. They did so to ensure that every time they left their home, they were reminded of the sacrifice made by their kin.

Economic Balance

Because the tree possessed so much vigor, but did not have the capability to bestow it, use it, or control it, matriarchs of the empire, along with the red priestesses, could tap into it. This allowed them to be able to give red blessings risk-free. It also meant that the majority of all the Vigor in the empire was held in a single space, hidden from knowledge but in full view for all to see.
The process of obtaining this vigor was only known to the empress, the matriarchs, and the red priestesses, who cultivated the tree. By restricting the flow of vigor into the empire they were able to maintain the value of the currency.


Denominations of Vigor

Denominations Purpose Comparisons and Analogues
Minuta/s (Mine-oot-uh/s) Ozlith never used seconds when telling time, beginning at minutes instead. They recognized seconds but there was no economic purpose to include it in their currency. Ozlith popularized the idea of a having one hundred minutes per hour. It's currency kept this standard.     Usually used to purchase very small purchases like a meal or common bauble. For comparison, they would equate to 5$ in the US and all denominations below the 5$ bill including coinage. The same goes for the euro 5 and under.
Hora/s (our-or-uh/s) An hour of one's life, and the most commonly used form of vigor for the in between purchases that are a bit more substantial but by no means expensive. Ozlith used a 20 hour day, and even though this was shifted greatly by other nations when Universal Vertigo appeared, it remains the method of days in Lartasia. Generally this would include the 10$ and 20$ range and the same goes for the euro, though it could close to the 50 and 100 denomination as this is where you begin to see multiple denominations used in pricing. Something could easily cost 5 Dies and 17 Horas.
Dies (Dee-yays)   Trading days of one's life is reserved for bigger purchases, and is when things start getting called expensive. Such purchases include skilled services, furniture and clothing, etc. Most purchases one makes for possessions in life are done in days.           The denominations used are best compared to the 50 and 100 bank notes of both The US Dollar and The Euro, but the 200 bank note for The Euro is also a good comparison.
Hebdomada/s (Haybuh-doe-mayduh/s)   Ozlith used 8 days in a week, and this is when you start delving into major purchases, investments, and high end products that are built entirely based on quality. Art, weapons, armor, livestock, wagons, and other large purchases were usually done by using this denomination.       This is when comparison gets difficult as the 500 and 1000 bank note in US Dollars, while considered legal tender, is no longer printed and heavily circulating. This also includes the 500 note in Euros.
Men/s(me-yen/s) Months of time were remarkably rare, and usually are only used in extreme investments or lower end housing. Ozlith used a solid four weeks per month, with no variance. There were 10 months in the Ozolithian year, making the math rather simple. For comparisons your looking at 4 to 12k in both denominations, even though are no notes to compare with.
Annorum/s (Ann-oar-room/s) Trading years was often used to punish crime for the citizens. It was also used for particularly large and highly valuable real estate. The only other time years were used would be when dealing with government, Infrastructure, and sometimes as a means of organizing one's wealth from trade over time. There are no true comparisons in the way of using Bank notes but the closest comparison would be 50K to 200k.
An important thing to keep in mind is that this is literally an exchange of one's life. Not taking into account the inflation that affects both denominations in the real world, the average life expectancy from birth to death by old age at the peak of the empire was approximately 70 years. This was a lower estimate than what it could have been to account for those in the average who would be lower. Effectively speaking this was the Widow guaranteeing every single human 70 years of life. This guarantee came at the cost of the potential of more.       By doing the math, a newborn human has 70 years which is 700 months which gives them 2800 weeks-   This means that a newborn only has 22,400 days till death guaranteed.   448000 hours or 44,800,000 minutes to enjoy, and these minutes are shorter than ours.     This doesn't factor in the sad truth that by the time they learn how to use Vigor, they have already spent 18 years of that life. 180 months, 720 weeks have come and gone.   Even at this point in your life, you have yet to find your way in the world. You still have a lot of time, but every moment that passes is a moment that's gone. The skills you choose to cultivate will cost time. The decisions you make, regardless of whether they are mistakes or not, will cost time as well.
To the people of the empire, time was more than just something you spend. Vigor was more than a currency, it had a purpose that was beyond just being valuable. Very few made purchases without thinking. They didn't have a concept of impulse buying or buyers remorse. Purchasing your home was more than just picking a starter, it was a little investment of your life, your time. Blood sweat and tears doesn't cut it.
I spend a lot of time comparing it to our own money but there really is no true comparison. I wanted Ozlith to be a Cosmic Horror, not just an analogue of Anchient Rome in a cosmic horror world.
What brings about more existential dread than the fact that every purchase you make, everything you own, and every action you take shortens your already half-spent life?

What's even more interesting is that the people enjoyed this. They loved what they perceived as a gift the goddess of death gave to them. Children were raised to respect life, and soldiers took great care in the taking of it.
Even those who accumulated such massive amounts of time we're still affected by its loss. A little foreshadowing for you: The centurions were the most wealthy… and they felt these musings I've been spounting the most, though none knew it at the time…

The Ten Red Rivers we're not wanted because they circumvented the system or broke the law. To the people of Ozlith, and this reality goes for us as well here in the real world, the only thing one truly has -the only thing no one can take from us- is our time. To force the taking of it from those who are still living it, no matter how small the ammount one takes, is more than a crime. It's profane.

Time is the only thing that's truly ours. It's always freely given, no matter what, and it's always graciously accepted.
Thanks so much, reader mine :)

Articles under Vigor Economies

Cover image: by Max Pixel


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