Magi Physical / Metaphysical Law in Evermoore | World Anvil
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Magi (Maw-Ghee)

Magi pulls from life, of all types, even the absence of life, death. It’s all in the cycle of creation, Magi. Magi is usually based around something as a Conduit raw magi is everywhere but useless to anything that doesn’t have the ability to manipulate it. Magi is influenced by everything, the thing that made it, where it is, where it was, who’s using it, who’s used it. It’s a dna of life, the code of everything. Thus there are types of magi that have been largely distinguished by the native source. If a creature or deal or otherwise is the source that's distinguished in the name ex. “Dragon Magi” or “Magi of death”
  Types of Magi
  Magi of the World (magic, time & space, emotion, nature)   Magick (Material) Fey Magi Magi of the Shadowfell Ethereal Magi
  Primordial Magi (Elements, life, death, Creation & Destruction) Magi of Fire Magi of Earth Magi of Water Magi of Air
  Magi of The Queen (Everything else) Royal Magi (From the Pools) Astral Magi
  Magi of The King (apart of everything) Magi of Order Magi of Chaos  

These types are changed and manipulated depending on the conduit. Magi of the King, Magi of the Queen, Primordial Magi, and Magi of the World are the 4 types of Magi created by the Hollowed gods. Each unique to each other. Magi of the World is accessible to all living things in the material plane and the planes connected to it with an Anchor. It is the most common Magi. Its special property is its versatility in conduits. Primordial Magi is Old and ancient life, it's is powerful, it's special property is it's overwhelming force, able to completely take over another magi if the conduit is powerful enough. Said to be the Magi used by the gods. Magi of the Queen is truly Weird Magi, it belongs to the Weave, the Astral plane, and the worlds that reside in it, all the demiplanes and broken worlds alike. Its special property is its unpredictability. The fewest conduits of any Magi. its true power is likely to never be revealed due to how much the conduit affects the Magi itself. Lastly is Magi of the King, used specifically and by itself rarely. Its special ability is that it's a hidden variable in all Magi. Order or Chaos. In its very base it follows one of those principles. Magi based in one cant be destroyed without the other.

Magi can only be created and destroyed by a conduit, a means to channel and manipulate the Magi, this is usually a creature, item, or place. On very few occasions can Magi be created or destroyed in other ways. When Magi is Destroyed it is absorbed by the conduit making it stronger and able to use more Magi.   Magi can only be destroyed in 2 ways unless specified otherwise like in Magi of Order and Chaos. One way is to be taken over by a greater Magi of the Same type or Primordial Magi. The other is for it to be given a physical form in the space it's in and for that physical form to be destroyed beyond repair.     Rule - Magi can only be destroyed by Magi containing Magi of the King of the other type.   Way to destroy Magi, Take it over by another stronger Magi, give it a physical manifestation in it's space and destroy it. (Destroy the vessel containing magi) (Overpower the magi)
Metaphysical, Supernatural

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Cover image: by Joe Kitchen (Ai)


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