Guilds Organization in Evermoore | World Anvil
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The world of evermoore. Is one full of magic. The way different magic works is explained through the pools of magic. The pools of magic reside on a plane known as “The Weave.” the Weave is a nonhabital plane which means no organisms outside of magic can reside there, The Warden; a Deity that resides outside of time and space, was said to have been born there.   To first understand the Pools you have to understand the planes of existence.   Each plane resides in it's own space. Each plane is infinite in it's dimension, the material plane has its planet, it's solar systems, it's Galaxies, and universes. The Other planes like the Feywild and Shadowfell act as mirrors of the Material plane. The first side is the Feywild which is chaotic and wild. The second side is the Shadowfell which is Desolate and Traumatic. The nature of these planes is due to the pools. The material plane draws its power from the Weave, thus it has been assigned a “Pool” or an area of specific magic made for that plane, the very essence of a plane's pool is made to cater to the specific needs and conditions and circumstances of that plane.   For instance, the material plane is at the core of every other plane, that makes it the most chaotic and most ordered plane at the same time, in other words Neutral. So the magic in the material plane is Neutral.   The Feywild is chaotic and known for its affiliation with time. Things in the feywild are the same as in the material plane, just more wild and out of control, looking alien and thrown through time. Thus the Feywilds pool is oriented around time and gravity and possibility, the chaos of every possibility.   The shadowfell is Desolate, completely ruined and created out of pain and suffering. The dark atmosphere and Trauma tied to the plane makes its pool of magic oriented around Emotions, Mentality, and Trauma. The Trauma of life.     Each Pool of magic is Called a different name, the Weave for the material plane, Dunamancy for the Feywild, Adfectation for the Shadowfell.

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Cover image: by Joe Kitchen (Ai)


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