Sleeping Root Material in Eveller | World Anvil
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Sleeping Root

Sleeping Root is the name for the root of the herbaceous plant commonly known as Pyre Blossom, or Rogue's Wort. The plant is single-stemmed and can grow up to seven spans high. It has dark, spearhead-shaped leaves set in spirals. Flowers are small and bell-shaped, ranging from indigo blue to dark purple in colour, and grow in twelve blossom clusters. The root of the flower resembles that of a dandelion, growing straight and thick. It has a brown skin beneath which it is pink and stringy. While the flowers bear a delicate, powdery scent, the stem and root have an odour more similar to dung.   The Pyre Blossom grows happily in places recently burned by forest fires, or funeral pyres. It prefers a partial shade but is found only in colder climates or at high altitudes.   Shamans and Witches of the Sect Of The Guardian Spirits dry the roots over their hearth during winter. When the dried root is burned it has lost most of its scent, but not all. The smoke is thick, faintly pink in colour and leaves a dry, ashen taste on the tongue.  

Instructions for Use

  To induce Spirit Sleep, this root may be burned, smoked, or steamed. Steam from the root has a lighter effect and may not result in the Sleep.   Make sure the root is completely dry before burning. Put the tip of the dried root to a flame until it burns on its own. Place it on a plate or in a bowl, metal or stone is recommended. Breathe the vapours normally and lay or sit comfortably. When drowsiness sets in, allow the spirits to guide you.   It is not recommended to burn the root directly in a hearth or on a campfire. It is not recommended to burn more than one root at a time.  


    The desired effects include extreme relaxation and hallucinations (visual and auditory). May also induce dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive salivation, increased or decreased libido, temporary paralysis, numbness, and ticks.   Long term use may reveal blotchy pale skin, cold and dry skin, slurred speech, drooling and persistent sleepiness even without the root.   It is recommended to terminate the experience if subject begins to scream and/or thrash violently.   In case of a bad reaction to the sleeping root, it is recommended to immediately remove the subject from contact with the smoke. Douse the subject in very cold water and pinch, or lightly prick with a needle, the skin of their fingers and toes. Do not reintroduce the subject to the sleeping root for at least one full day and one full night.
sour, tart
brown skin, pink flesh
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Cover image: by michaelason


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