Lightning Eaters Species in Eveller | World Anvil
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Lightning Eaters

Lightning Eaters are a form of dragons, developed by Xaiteng during his time in Mirenerel's realm. They get their name from the practice of stimulating electrostatic discharges in such a way that they appear to swallow lightning from the sky. Contrary to what a human may assume, Lightning Eaters do not use the Source.  


  Lightning Eaters have two wings and four legs, a tail as long as its body and a neck half that length. Total length of an adult can measure from 25 meters to 30 meters. Their weight varies greatly depending on where they are in their feeding cycle but their hollow bones put them at a fraction of the weight expected for their size. An unfed young adult can be as light as 900 kilos but, once it has fed, it can reach up to 3 tonnes. The musculature of their wings and legs are only capable of carrying such loads for short distances which explains their intermitted fasting and sleeping cycles.   They are most often white or silver grey in colour. Light blue versions are rare but do occur. Their scales are reinforced by osteoderms (also known as scutes). Their age can be determined by the size of these osteoderms.  


  Lightning Eaters collect energy from the atmosphere with their tongue which is connected to an electric organ that stores and distributes electricity as energy. This in turn leads to two additional organs which are used to generate lower voltages of electricity by which they navigate and hunt. They use the forked tips of their tongue to generate electrostatic discharge of higher voltages.  

Distribution & Habitat

  Lightning Eaters are an extremely rare sight for humans. They are found in high mountainous areas near the ocean. Volcanic islands, active volcanoes and Mirenerel's Ire are especially popular locations. They nest in caves and are drawn to cave systems with a high concentration of electrically conductive metals.  


  Lightning Eaters thrive in stormy conditions and rarely fly in clear skies. While males are territorial, often sticking to a single cave and hunting grounds their entire lives, the females are migratory, chasing storm clouds until they disperse or another appears.   While they posed a danger to Purgers, whose ships were often mistaken for a marine mammal, Lightning Eaters pose no threat to humans. They are solitary creatures who generally dislike the company of other races.  


  Lightning Eaters hunt alone, targeting mostly marine mammals near coastlines. They use overcast weather to hide their shadow as they fly low over the surface of the ocean. This way they can use their electroreception to locate their prey beneath the water. In fair weather they are forced to fly at higher altitudes and dive at exceptional speeds.   They are ambitious hunters, preferring to fish for prey several times their own weight such as whales and larger species of pinnipeds (seals). They pick up their prey with their taloned hind legs and try to drop them on land, sometimes bashing them into cliffs in order to kill or daze.   They will consume their prey on land, however, they become easily stranded by the weight of their food. It is perhaps because of this that they only hunt 2 to 4 times per year, relying on the nutrients of their last meal to last them several months.  


  One of the most fascinating and/or terrifying displays is that of a male Lightning Eater attracting a female. This usually occurs during a period of fasting to facilitate flight and agility. The male uses the electrostatic charge of a regular thunderstorm to charge their organs. With their organs charged they escalate and prolong the storm, sometimes for days, to get the female to stay for long enough to copulate and lay their egg. The bigger and more powerful the storm, the more likely it is for the female to stay through the whole procedure. The female lays only one egg and the average roost lasts for 12 to 13 months.   If the male is successful, the female will leave the fertilized egg in his nest. He will roost this egg by enveloping it in vomit. Due to its diet, this vomit is very high in fat and protein that serve to maintain the right temperature and moisture to allow the egg to hatch. A Lightning Eater is fully developed at the time of hatching and is able to fly within a few days. The hatchling will usually stay with its father for 3 to 4 months and leave with the next storm. It is possible, but very rare, for a male to roost eggs from multiple females at one time.   If the female leaves the nest with a fertilized egg, she will lay it elsewhere and abandon it. If not kept at the right temperature and moisture, the shell of the egg will harden to the consistency of stone and the embryo will die.
Scientific Name
Kerauno Dragon

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