Baldric Character in Evaia & Aevion | World Anvil
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Baldric Grey-Dalion

Baldric is the cousin of Cecile who long before the party came to Omu had himself come to the Tomb of the Nine Gods in order to find an Ancient holy sword of his order that was stolen by Jar'oz a century ago. He was successful, but at the cost of becoming petrified by Jar'oz himself and left as a warning to other adventurers. The party found him and were able to revive him and he now fights with them against the soulmonger. After Cecile's death, Baldric prayed to Evaia to allow him to change his oaths to that of vengeance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born a bastard to the Dalion family, Baldric always found trouble at home. He was cast aside by his family and treated as an outcast; he was left to fend for himself. His cousin Cecile was the only one kind to him, and was the only person he confided in. Often spending his time away from his family, he found his calling in the Temple of Evaia. The temple was the only place he ever felt truly at home. Trained by the battle-master of the family, and with sword in hand, Baldric embarked on a journey to find his true calling. Finding the Order of the Ancients, Baldric has vowed to Kindle the Light, Shelter the Light, Preserve the Light, and Be the Light.

Mental Trauma

Death of his cousin Cecile.
Current Location

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