The face Changer Character in Europa | World Anvil
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The face Changer

Arch fey

The arch fey is a power full creature of chaos and misfortune they look like a humanoid elf but they can change there appearance most commonly to a pixie, imp, raven or enormous serpent. His Chaotic evil nature leads to him being very calm but incredibly aggressive when things don't go his way. the reason this creature hasn't caused as much havak as they could is because they have an agreement with the leader of the criminal factions to stay in his building ,a small barber shop in Renglees, and this agreement is enforced by the lady of the lake another arch fey which is like a distant cousin to the face changer, that said he does occasionally leave the building to prove a point most offen that he can and will do whatever he wants. stat block (Face Changer)   The most impressive thing about the face changer is his ability's to remove both willing and unwilling souls from there body and place them into new ones in addition he can remove as much of the life force from that soul as he wishes as he does so and can take the empty bodies and transform then into a face like mask for display. in addition he is very playful changing shape and teleporting around the room.   This face changer has 3 wants,
living breathing Humanoids of well known stature or unique nature this included rare raises like Genasi, Lizard folk and whatever in the world anboe is
Secondly they want tools that they could give to skilled workers to help capture people alive so slaver poison's (Torpor, Essence of ether, Drow poison and Carrion crawler mucus) or magic items that hypnotize stun or capture humanoids.
Finally he want's to make deals he takes half a creatures life span whenever he makes deals this is so that he can stay eternal as he has a imperfect immortality he can live forever for as long as he steals the life of others.


Contacts & Relations

The face changer is well known to criminals and arch level creatures. he has strong ties with the lady of the lake (highly emotional arch fiend very foolish and obsessed with the moon currently puppeted by the lies of Romanov) the lady of the lake will risk there own life and safety for the face changer as she sees them as a sibling but she puts Romanov before any thing else in addition the Lady of the lake has the ability to raise the recently killed.   Marut is very familiar with the face changer and they hate one another greatly but due to M's nature he is unable to attack them and hence Anboe is forbidden to ever meet him

Family Ties

His family is all dead he killed his six siblings and used there body to create the Doll of Evergranger out of there hair skin and bones, he did this not out of grief or madness but he was born with the intelligence of his parents so he new the inherit value and was completely selfish from birth and realized he could befriend other powerful fay with the doll and a solid lie hence his friendship with The lady of the lake was born out of there "shared" grief.

Social Aptitude

Confident as much as chaotic common logic is not something that applies to him he looses attention during conversation and attempts to distract the other person talking by changing shape and teleporting around his small room with misty step.

Hobbies & Pets

he makes pacts with those who he believes wont live much longer offers them power and in return they must do as he commands for the next year but he rarely makes these deals with any one who isn't going to live more then a year and those who disobey him feel not only his wraith but the wraith of the Lady of the lake too.
Current Location
41 centries
Current Residence
Wilconson Road Barber shop in Renglees

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