Dr.Shoelittle Character in Europa | World Anvil
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The man behind the cobblers and the Detective who see's all, seen as both a symbol for hard work dedication and justice and seen by others as a crusher of the weak and brutally efficient killer using the law like a sword. this Halfling acts as the main antagonist in the evil campaign hunting the new criminal party attempting to bring justice for there crimes. but a greater evil he has his eye on is the clot swarm cult who has been growing in power his attempts of aiding the plague doctors from the shadows has been unfruitful as the Red club intervenes with shipments and messengers he sends as the plague has been rather profitable for the leader who runs the inn.   Combat; he is a bit rusty but uses a light crossbow and magic scrolls to attack and has an Assassin stat block and a bag of holding to keep his scrolls and magic items. he will only fight when he has no other option which works against his skills in sneak attacking but he will attempt to stay out of danger when he attacks.

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