Yuri Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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He-Who-Shines-Through-The-Shadows (a.k.a. Henry)

A former angel of Torvmar, Yuri resurrected Volan on the last day of Stone in 15003, in exchange for the party's help in finding him a little cottage in which to legally reside.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yuri is a fair-skinned and golden-freckled angel of slight build, with long brown hair cascading over his shoulders. When the party first met him he was well over six feet tall, but as of acquiring the shack he has appeared as a little shorter than Anthony and Khamet. He is surrounded by a faint golden glow.

Facial Features

Shimmering golden freckles.

Special abilities

Yuri is surrounded by an aura of warmth and comfort that inspires one to trust and adore him.

Apparel & Accessories

Yuri typically dresses in long white-and-gold robes, a shimmering blue sash tied around his waist. He likes to adorn himself with shiny trinkets, but the party returned the beautiful (and very valuable) bracelets Sujim helped steal for him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yuri was once an angel in service to Torvmar, but his vanity and desire to be worshipped was his undoing and thus he now resides on the material plane. He lived for a time in  an abandoned graveyard in Argentian, but now lives on the city's outskirts pursuing his dream of making jams and being praised for his jam-making skills.

Gender Identity

Uses he/him pronouns.


Angel of Torvmar (former)
Currently self-employed, making jam.

Personality Characteristics


To be admired for his jam-making skills.


Contacts & Relations

Lenny (another angel, his constant companion and support.)
Divine Classification
Current Location
Torvmar's Realm, wherever that may be.
Current Residence
Argentian, Lustross.
Dark brown, worn long.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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