Myderion Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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A sorrel-coated centaur who carries messages and guides visitors between the centaur outpost and the centaur bands themselves. Although she was too busy making daisy chains to notice their arrival until her uncle called her over, Myderion ultimately helped Tally and the Disaster Party bring Crezonis' letter to Plutonea.
(Art by Celestial.)

Physical Description

Body Features

Tall and broad horse-lady, but far too upbeat and cheerful to be any kind of imposing. Myderion is patterned after a sorrel horse, with light red-brown hair and a coat that is only a few degrees darker, sorrel being well described as reddish chestnut.

Apparel & Accessories

When the party met Myderion she was clad in a dark-brown leather jerkin, with shoulders padded to emphasise the tapering to her waist (as Khamet learned, this is a popular trend among centaur ladies!) The garment is sleeveless, but there’s a wave-like pattern dotting the border around her shoulders. It laces up at the front, over a long-sleeved blue felt shirt.  Myderion doesn't have a band around her wrist, but her long red-brown hair is braided with her family colours (green and yellow), and further adorned with purple ribbon. She wears a long waterproof horse-blanket like article against the elements, made of hide, with a thin covering of fleece dyed white-and-blue in a repeatedly circular pattern composed of tiny triangles.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, she/her pronouns.


Relays messages between the northern centaur outpost and bands.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: flowers, pretty outfits.


Contacts & Relations

Is acquainted with Plutonea, and Plutonei more generally.

Family Ties

An uncle stationed with her at the little messenger outpost.
Current Location
Young adult.
Current Residence
Eaine, northern plains.
Light red-brown, braided with green and yellow beads, and a purple hair ribbon like those sold in Shaan.
Known Languages
Fluent in Sylvan and Common.

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Character Portrait image: by Celes


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