Centaur Species in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Standing seven foot or taller, the centaurs are among the more physically intimidating of Eaine's residents. They live on the plains to the north and south, organised into bands of related individuals. Each centaur wears their family colours braided in their hair. Married centaurs wear a woven bracelet around one wrist, with a chain of three to five beads in a combination of their own family colours and their spouse's.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Centaur foals mature relatively quickly at first, usually walking within their first week of life, but they reach adulthood only a year or two faster than humans, at about sixteen years of age.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

If a child is name after an exiled family member, it is believed they can carry and redeem that family member's spirit, saving them from the afterlife of wandering alone that awaits exiled centaurs.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

60 years

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