Asariel Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Archmage Asariel

Amani's high elven ren, who lives in Varentar with Amani's sister Isra. While they were raised to believe sorcery is extremely dangerous and never to be cultivated, Amani has slowly helped shift their views, and they now believe it can potentially be safer if the sorcerer receives instruction from someone with proper understanding of their kind of magic.    (Art by Celestial.)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, willowy build. Long light blue hair, either tied back simply or worn loose.

Identifying Characteristics

Their left forearm features dark purple veins, surrounded by wispy grey smoke-like markings. They glamour this with magic and wear long sleeves to help conceal this magical scar from fellow mages who may see through the glamour.

Special abilities

As an archmage, Asariel has access to a wide variety of magical abilities.   Their mage armour, true to their nature as an illusionist, manifests as a magical field that is only visible from certain angles, and seems to be a different shape and/or colour from each viewpoint. They have also demonstrated understanding of magic missile and, after they and several party members took heavy damage from the initial wyvern attack, conjured a prismatic wall to hold the creatures at bay. When they cast teleport to leave Lustross with Pippi, a shower of similarly prismatic sparkles cascaded from their hand.    As a shadow sorcerer, they presumably have similar abilities to Amani, but they have not tried to harness this magic in years. Although, as they told Amani, sometimes they feel this connection to sorcerous magic a lot more strongly than others, and it becomes harder to suppress. Perhaps their summoning of a huge shadowy dragon in Harrowing was reflective of this connection.

Apparel & Accessories

Ever since they joined the party for the voyage to Lustross, they have been wearing a pendant of the Everqueen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asariel's father almost killed them with his shadow magic, when a shard of purple ice became embedded in their chest, and he was exiled from Varentar. They told Amani this on the 4th of Stone 15003, and asked Amani not to tell Isra or Naila. A week or so later on the 12th of Stone, they revealed in a private conversation with Amani that have innate shadow magic as well, and once injured themself when dabbling with it. This led Asariel to self-loathing and near ruin. They have told Naila nothing about the magic, although she does know some details of their past self-destructive behaviours, without this exact context.

Gender Identity

Uses they/them pronouns.


Varentari archmage.

Mental Trauma

Their grandfather's actions and their accidental self-inflicted injury have clearly left their mark.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Roach upon sops is one of their favourite meals. They love being given a chance to just talk about magic, as demonstrated when they bonded with Amani after the party rescued Meallan.


Contacts & Relations

Solstriana- archmage of Cai Shaan.

Family Ties

Amani and Isra- children.
Naila- wife.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archmage Asariel of Dragon's Rest.
Current Residence
Cornflower blue.
Long, straight, sky blue. Vaguely floral scent when freshly washed.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I tried."

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Character Portrait image: by Celes


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