
A dying world clinging to life

Written by Ademal

"The water does not belong to sophonts. neither does the fog-filled sky. and when I look out on the coast and see wave and cloud meet, it just reinforces how little of this hellish rock we've carved out for ourselves.

— Saumai Native"

The sea on saumai has songs in the depths, as though the ghosts lurking in the dark embrace of the sea are trying to sooth themselves of the madness of the ghost static -- a thrumming noise which so reverberates across this vast expanse of fog so as to become audible at all, a tugging groan of pain at the back if their ears.

While on the sea, it is common to hear whispers over the side if the ship. Do not look.

It is common to hear rustling on the bottom of the ship. Kill the motor.


  • Location → Saumai
    The Habitable Section of Saumai
Related Tradition (Primary)

Saumai Chargen Sample

A ghost story is told of a cold and dying world, lodged in the gullet of a great maelstrom.

For you it is no story. For you, the stories told were of a universe of worlds long lost, of being abandoned to the cold of space on an incomplete planet. How you have lived depends on what you know of warmth and light. As the world went quiet one city as a time, as modern energy and all of its generators has given way to fires, did your parents and grandparents make the choices needed to survive—did they have the resources to make those choices in the first place?

The poor and the remote were the first left behind. Cities built their walls not just to keep out the cold and the ghosts, but to keep out those who had little to give. Charity was painfully rare.

By which light have you lived?

I grew up under the nourishing glow of lights which blazed bright—of hearths with logs to spare and bulbs which hummed happily with the buzz of electricity. Power was not to be taken for granted, though it often was all the same.

I grew up on the edge of catastrophe. Though had generators and bonfire, they flickered often. Resources were too meager to keep far ahead of demand, and labor spread too thin to keep up forever. Our survival was one part will, one part skill, and two parts luck.

I grew up in the dark, scraping out my life under the blinking gaze of candles and smoldering embers. We had to learn to hide from threats, because there were no walls to hide us from them. Sleeping well is a liability when the night is your predator.


You were raised around extensive culture.
Nerve is one of your favored Attributes.


[Placeholder text talking about how you were a part of the extensive labor keeping the city alive.]

Reaction is one of your favored Attributes.

Placeholder text talking about how you were a part of the people scavenging the walls and going out into the wastes.

Vitality is one of your favored Attributes.

Placeholder text talking about how you're one of the educated trying to find better solutions for survival.

Perception is one of your favored Attributes.

Choose a Mantra:

PsiolicCurse Breaker, Ghost Hunter, Ward Keeper
MartialGuard, Scavenger
GadgeteerRepairman, Civil Engineer
CommanderWatch Captain


You were raised in a faltering town with your back to the blistering cold.
Lower Body is one of your favored Attributes.


[Placeholder text talking about how you were a part of the extensive labor keeping the city alive.]

Upper Body is one of your favored Attributes.


Choose a Mantra:


You were raised around constant danger.
Vitality is one of your favored Attributes.


[Placeholder about living nomadically, moving by day and hiding by night.]

Lower Body Strength is one of your favored Attributes.

Placeholder about living in fleeting stretches of peace amid a backdrop of dread. All you could do is work, subsist, and hope to survive.

Upper Body Strength is one of your favored Attributes.

Placeholder about living by the strength of your soul, and learning to embrace the dangers of the dark.

Metaphysics is one of your favored Attributes.

Choose a Mantra:

Cover image: The Saumain Crow by Ademal via Midjourney


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