Avis Physical / Metaphysical Law in Etheria | World Anvil
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One of the five different elemental applications of Anima, Avis is the name commonly used to refer to the manipulation of air. As with the other elemental applications, this can look vastly different from one individual to the next: where one person might see portents of the future in the paths of lightning strikes or the patterns formed by clouds in the sky, another might mold air itself, creating art, tool, or weapon out of wind, electricity, weather, or sound. In academic contexts, particular utilizations of Avis bear particular names to denote their purpose and function. For example, some of the most common include:
  • Aeromancy, the gleaning of insight and/or reception of visions through using air and its associated forms as a focus
  • Aerokinesis, the mystical manipulation of wind currents and air
  • Atmokinesis, the mystical manipulation of the weather, often utilized by those also proficient in Undague
  • Electrokinesis, the mystical manipulation of electricity
  • Sonokinesis, the mystical manipulation of sound
  • Typhokinesis, the mystical manipulation of smoke, often utilized by those also proficient in Igní 

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