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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
The bloodfowl is a bird species native to the Heart of Etharai. One of the most prominent amythomites found in the Heart, they make their nests in the Aura-filled caverns expanding from the core of the planet. More specifically, they are Auravores. They are the parent species of the majority of avian species found in the heart - including the aurashrike, their much smaller cousins. The large birds can reach somewhat terrifying sizes, their tooth beaks prime for fighting, both with one another and for food. A carnivorous species, they are considered somewhat sadistic - though this cannot be confirmed. Bloodfowl nest near the ceilings of caverns, using their claws to climb the walls of their caves, their wings to help elevate them as they do, and their beaks to carve alcoves in the walls.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
3 ft.
Geographic Distribution


Bloodfowl are large birds with black feathers, small beady eyes, and a toothed beak. They use this beak to hunt and kill prey, as well as to compete with one another. Males will compete for the affections of females of the species by fighting to the death, biting at each other's throats. Scars or chunks of missing feathers are seen as desirable, as it means that the bird has survived injury serious enough to leave permanent marks.
Bloodfowl have a smaller wingspan, only equal to about half their height. Their wings have shrunk and become somewhat vestigial due to their enclosed environment. However, they will still use their wings, flapping them as they move to make walking easier and faster. Their wings also allow for faster maneuverability, allowing them to rotate almost 180 degrees without changing position, so long as there is enough space for them to extend their wings.
Placeholder Image
Agnes Placeholder by notahumanhand

Dietary Needs & Habits

Bloodfowl are Auravores, which means they rely at least partially on Auras for their food source. While Auras are present and prominent around the Heart where they live, the bloodfowl cannot consume it in its raw form - though it does not harm them. Instead, they rely on Auras absorbed or exuded by other animals, such as the phase snake, of which the bloodfowl is one of the most prominent predators of. Keepers who have domesticated phase snakes often have to take multiple measures to ensure their snake's safety against the bloodfowls, including methods of masking the snake's magical signature to confuse its location.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bloodfowl reproduce sexually, with the females laying eggs regularly and relying on males to fertilise them. A female bloodfowl can take many different mates, and will often kill her old ones in order to prevent them from mating with other females. Bloodfowl eggs are about half the size of the bloodfowl themselves, and when cracked have a bright red colouration to their inside. On the outside, however, their eggs are white with speckled grey and dark brown spots. Once they hatch, their young are covered in the reddish liquid from inside of the yolk. Clutches of eggs tend to vary from 2-4, but once they are born, siblings will often fight amongst one another, usually leading to the death of at least one unless the parents can prevent this.

Behaviour & Psychology

Bloodfowl are incredibly aggressive birds, and have little sense of fear. They will challenge anything, attempting to attack it regardless of the risks it may pose. This behaviour often leads to injury, either on the part of the bloodfowl or what they are attacking. They are typically seen as a menace.

Cover image: Blood Cells Red by qimono


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Jan 5, 2024 14:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What aggressive birds. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of their claws/beak.

Jan 5, 2024 14:38 by spleen

definitely, me neither!

Have a wonderful day!
Jan 10, 2024 21:53 by jyliet of the house

oh, very nasty birds! i wonder how often parents intervene in the case of chicks being aggressive toward each other.

Jan 10, 2024 23:43 by spleen

rarely! sometimes they even encourage it.

Have a wonderful day!