Solyrium Material in Esterya | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

Solyrium looks a lot like clusters of white quartz, that emit a bright light, much like sunlight.

Physical & Chemical Properties

In contrast to what many would expect, due to its bright glow and slightly yellow colour, Solyrium does not actually emit any warmth.

Geology & Geography

It can only be found in crystallized form in the veins of the fossilized remains of Yanwe, which is now better known as the base of Amara and is located in the Duskvalley.

Origin & Source

Until many decades ago, when it still existed in its liquid form, Solyrium ran through the veins of Yanwe, the gigantic, now fossilised tree in the center of the Duskvalley. When Yanwe fossilized, the Solyrium inside it crystalized.

Life & Expiration

The light it emits fades slowly over time and cannot be recharged. This process starts when it is removed from the veins it grew in and it takes about two to five years for the light to completely fade, depending on how strong it started out.

History & Usage


After its discovery, the mining of Solyrium by humans living in the Duskvalley was what contributed to the start of the great war between humans, Shojorin and Shadowkeepers, as the Shojorin saw it as a desecration of their sanctuary ( Yanwe ).


It was discovered when during an extremely strong storm, one of the smaller branches of Yanwe broke off, and those who found it saw the brightly glowing ore where the branch was once connected to the tree.

Everyday use

Those who can afford it use it much like a regular light source. Due to it not emitting any warmth, opposed to pretty much all other sources of light aside from natural daylight, it is often used in rooms that need to be kept as cold as possible, such as foodstorages or in areas where the use of fire as a light source would be to risky and use off for example torches would create an immense fire hazard, for example around flammable things, such as curtains or in fabric stores.


Trade & Market

While Solyrium is considered a luxury item and statement piece among high-class citizens of Amara and even Kuromori, it takes rather long to get a piece of it. This is due to the fact that it is usually only mined by demand, because it starts loosing its desired glow once it is mined. When someone wants to buy Solyrium, they have to order it from those who lead the mining business, and then, due to the high demand, it can take multiple weeks for the order to arrive at the customer.
Since it can only be found in the fossilized remains of Yanwe and is especially hard to come by in generall, it is really expensive and only the wealthy can afford it. Once it stops glowing, it looses its value.
It can only be found in the veins of Yanwe and while being rather common among the wealthy living in Amara, it is rarely ever found outside the city. Some merchands however do take it with them and sell it for extraordinary prices in far away cities.
It is basically mostly clear white, with discolorations here and there, much like a regular quartz, but if it still emits light, it has a subtle, warm, yellow hue to it.
Common State
Nowadays it can only be found in crystalline form. Before Yanwe had fossilize you could technically extract and keep it in liquid form, but it would quickly crystallize if exposed to fresh air for to long.
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