Null Space Physical / Metaphysical Law in Estemor | World Anvil
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Null Space

It is assumed by most that the world is made up of land masses, oceans and the air above. However, there is a fourth, crucial component that is virtually unknown to the masses and poorly understood by those who have either witnessed it firsthand or learned through the accounts of others.   What we will refer to here as "Null Space" has myriad names, but is generally perceived as an absence or gap in the world itself. Surrounded by the most dangerous of storms, Null Space has rarely been directly observed and the few credible descriptions that exist describe it as pure darkness.   Travel through Null Space is presumed to be impossible. No person or ship that has moved into it has ever returned and those that get caught in the nearby storms may suffer from mental afflictions for the rest of their lives. Thankfully, Null Space is easy to spot from a safe distance. One need only move around it to eventually reach their destination on the other side, though this may end up being a substantial detour.   Areas of Null Space seem to move, grow or shrink at an incredibly slow rate. As a result, travel routes across the vast seas have been forced to change as the barrier of Null Space shifts. Ancient accounts of Yore suggest that all of Estemor was surrounded by Null Space for a time and receding Null Space is believed to have facilitated trade and communication with far-off realms such as Falida.
Metaphysical, Supernatural

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