Tabaxi Species in Ervelust | World Anvil
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The tabaxi come from the New World. Since they were viewed as uncivilized by the settlers from Lyria they have been brought back to Ervelust and sold as property. Firion, viewing these intelligent beings in a different light. The queen has made it illegal for any to own a tabaxi slave without paying them a stipend to buy their own contract. Few tabaxi have lived this long. I purposefully made sure my stay in Firion was long enough that my tabaxi could purchase her freedom from me. To thank me for my kindness, though it wasn't needed, she stayed with me until the end of my travels.  
  • From the Notes of Lady Rhewa; Dated the 7th of Adamant, 135
  • Basic Information


    Tabaxi have claws that assist with climbing and a tail that help with balance.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Tabaxi breeding is weirdly seen as a form of entertainment to some. I refuse to participate in voyeurism.

    Additional Information

    Facial characteristics

    Tabaxi have the features of common feelings, but on a larger scale.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Tabaxi posses 60 feet of darkvision.
    Scientific Name
    Felis sapiens
    Less than 100 years
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Tabaxi are covered in hair. The patterns seem to vary based on parentage.
    Player Information   Height: 4'10" + 2d10
    Weight: 90 lbs + 2d10* x 2d4
    Ability Score Increase: +2 dex +1 cha
    Speed: 30 feet
    Darkvision: 60 feet
    Feline Agility: Double your move speed until the end of the turn. Must remain stationary on a turn before reuse.
    Cat's Claws: Climb speed 20, and deal 1d4+str mod damage for Unarmed strikes.
    Cat's Talent: Proficient with perception and stealth.
    Languages: Common +1   *Same roll used to determine height.

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