Shadar-kai Species in Ervelust | World Anvil
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I was lucky enough to encounter a shadar-kai in my travels. It took some convincing, but I was able to coax him into sharing some information with me.  
  • From the Notes of Lady Rhewa; Dated the 31 of Zemus, 136
  • Basic Information

    Biological Traits

    Shadar-kai are nimble and surprisingly hardy.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Due to their bond with the Raven Queen, Shadar-kai have no need to breed.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Shadar-kai live with their mistress, occasionally leaving her demense to act as psychopomps for important people. She also occasionally incarnated some of them among the elves to act as information gatherers for her.

    Biological Cycle

    Shadar-kai appear as withered and old when serving the Raven Queen directly. When they are on the Material Plane, they appear pale, but youthful.

    Additional Information

    Facial characteristics

    Changes based on location.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Shadar-kai possess the ability to see 60 feet in darkness.

    Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

    The shadar-kai have a symbiotic relationship to the Raven Queen.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Scientific Name
    Feyrus sapiens mortis
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Pale. Always deathly pale.
    Player Information   Height: 4'8" + 2d8
    Weight: 90 lbs +2d8* x 1d4
    Ability Score Increase: +2 dex +1 con
    Speed: 30 feet
    Darkvision: 60 feet
    Keen Senses: Proficient with the Perception skill.
    Fey Ancestry: Can't be put to sleep magically, have advantage on saving throws to resist charm.
    Trance: Gain the benefits of a long rest for half the time.
    Language: Common, Elvish
    Necrotic Resistance: Gain resistance to necrotic damage.
    Bleeding of the Raven Queen: Teleport 30 feet as a bonus action. At 3rd level, gain resistance to all damage. Usable once / day. Resistance lasts until the start of your next turn, and you look like a ghost.     *Same roll used to determine height.

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