Celeste Character in Erkar | World Anvil
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Priestess of Mesha, Ruler of Equeltec, Mother of all Yuan-ti Celeste

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her necklace was made by shrinking Meshas artifact.

Physical Description

Body Features

From waist up her skin is covered in sparse sky blue scales. Her legs are replaced by long meandering snakes tail.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her mother died in childbirth. Her childhood was hard, she never had a chance to know someone better, becauseshe was often moving from place to place due to her fathers work. When she turned adult, she had noone beside her only parent. She was living somewhat happily until day when she was abducted. She went for a walk with her father, they were going to their faveourite place Mountains of virtues. They just loved peace of that place. On their way they were ambushed, her father severily beaten, and Celeste waas kidnapped. She was forced to work for evil Yuan-ti. And when the time came, they tried to turn her into one of them. Luckily Desert Sponge Cakes came to her rescue. The ritual was not complete therefore she was turned into Yuan-ti only partially. After that she escaped from their lair, and ran towards Saint Gardens of Beory. Where heroes stuck Meshas artifact into the ground. Before them appeard great ziggurat, and Meshas artifact magically shrinked and transformed into necklace which from that day lies on Celeste neck. That was a sign from Mesha that she will be her Highest priestess and a new ruler of newly founded Equeltec .


She was educating in several places because of her parent work. Her father was known make-up artist mainly for preparing actors before their performance (Later he started painting elephants). Despite of that she's fairly inteligent.


Before kidnapping, she was working as an alchemic, her field of work contained of curing poisoned Assimars. Often she was helping people disinterestedly.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Celeste discovered way to prepare seemingly dangerous yellow Fuzz-ball into smoke bombs. She was chosen by Mesha to rule purified folk of Yuan-ti after Holy War.

Morality & Philosophy

She is very peacefull, and allways keeps calm even in most dangerous situations. She sees more benefits in gaining new friends than fighting for their approval.




Towards Zeneth




Towards Celeste



Zeneth and Celeste always were on the opposite poles of attraction. When Celeste was meticulous and tried to do her best, Zeneth on the other hands always tried to impress others and play with matter that go beyond the boundaries of the school book.

Relationship Reasoning

Celeste knows about about Zeneth business with local Yuan-ti witch. She's sure that that's not the one time thing, and Zeneth again might try to make a stupid deal with a creature which might abuse his poor skill of insight.



Towards Rashuk




Towards Celeste


navy blue
Long, bit curly, beige
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light pale with addition of small sky blue scales
Known Languages
Common, Assimar, Yuan-ti.

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