The Dawn of the Worlds Prose in Eridania | World Anvil
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The Dawn of the Worlds

In the beginning, there was the Void. And, floating in that Void, were the primordial forces, the Light, called Acenys, and the Shadow, called Esseneos.   These forces were two masses made of pure energy and, because they were opposed to each other, an attraction began to take place. And so, slowly the Light and the Shadow began to move against each other.   Although they were brute power, each of the singularities had developed a form of consciousness, and were telepathically linked with each other. As their approach was very slow, and they were avid for each other, communication began to take place between them.   How this communication occurred and what they discussed among themselves is impossible for us to even conceive, for the concepts that existed today were not yet born in those days when the Universe was still empty. However, it can be said that they began to feel affection among themselves, and this affection became a primal form of the love that we know today.   And this love moved them. Well, literally, because the pace of their approach accelerated. They were getting closer to being together . But what was to follow was nothing of what they had planned or imagined, but something much greater and wonderful: life itself, fruit of the love that they felt.   They approached so much that the attraction was too strong for them to stand, and they practically threw themselves against each other. For a moment they stood together. By the time of one breath, they were one. And then the explosion came.   It was a shock wave as big as the collision of a thousand suns. And from the point of explosion, the Void was filled with what became known as the Plain of the Beginning, the primordial form of the Universe. And where Light and Shadow had united as one, there were now two individuals, the fruit of the love of Acenys and Esseneos: the siblings Ninfena and Iluminum, the Lords of the Universe.   And together, using the Plain as raw material, they began to shape the Universe.


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