The Plucked Parrot Building / Landmark in Erellion | World Anvil
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The Plucked Parrot

The Plucked Parrot is a cozy and welcoming inn and tavern located in the heart of the Dark Shore. The building itself is a modest structure, made of dark wood and stone, with a thatched roof and a charming, rustic feel. The interior is warm and inviting, with dim lighting, plush chairs and booths, and a crackling fireplace that lends a cozy atmosphere to the space.   The walls of the tavern are adorned with all manner of curious items, from old maps and nautical instruments to hunting trophies and exotic trinkets. The bar itself is a sturdy, wooden structure that takes up one wall of the tavern, with rows of bottles and casks lining the shelves behind it. The selection of drinks is wide and varied, with everything from local beers and ales to exotic spirits and wines from far-flung lands. The menu at The Plucked Parrot is equally diverse, with a range of tasty dishes that cater to all tastes and preferences. The kitchen is known for its hearty soups and stews, fresh seafood, and savory meat dishes, all prepared with the freshest ingredients and a touch of creativity.   But what truly sets The Plucked Parrot apart is its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The staff are all friendly and attentive, and the patrons are a mix of locals and visitors who come to enjoy good food, good company, and lively conversation. The tavern is a hub of activity in the Dark Shore, and is often the site of impromptu gatherings, live music performances, and other festive events.


Shadowshore #16

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