Osborn Stumbletoe Character in Erellion | World Anvil
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Osborn Stumbletoe

Osborn Stumbletoe

Osborn Stumbletoe II was born to Osborn and Tahlulah Stumbletoe, 36 years ago in the village of ShallowRoot. He grew up rather poor, his father often being ill and unable to work while his mother picked up odd jobs for other halfling families. His mother’s greatest gift however was storytelling and especially dark stories of hauntings and vengeful sprits. When Osborn II was young his mother was given the opportunity to become the village historian, but it would require her to be away from her sickly husband during the day and while she tried at first, she could not bear to leave her son and ailing husband alone. Because of this the Stumbletoe family lived a life of hardship and struggle. Osborn Jr. would often accompany his mother at a young age when she would perform her stories, and because of the subject matter it was often at night, in the dark in a spooky setting. Because of this Osborn Jr. has learned a healthy fear of all things supernatural. He fears being alone, the dark and anything that might go bump in the dark (which he believes is always around every corner). Osborne Jr. has developed a set of rituals that he does to keep himself out of trouble with the spirits and many find this quirk to be annoying. He carries a few tokens with him to help safeguard himself as well. He has a tendency to be overly cautious and nervous. Just because Osborn Jr. grew up poor did not mean that he did not have wants and desires. When he would accompany his mother on her storytelling ventures he often was invited into the homes of wealthier halflings. He coveted their belongings and their comfortable lifestyle. He wanted nothing more than a full pantry and a comfortable warm home. He would often be found stuffing himself in the pantry of a client’s home, and has a tendency to overeat. It was this desire of comfort and wealth that got him into and sometimes out of trouble. Once as a young boy, he overheard his parents discussing that they had no money for a holiday meal. Osborn Jr. was soon presenting his mother with a freshly baked berry pie that he pilfered off the neighbors windowsill as it was set out to cool. His mother made him return the pie, but later found that he had snuck back and taken the pie and then eaten the entire thing! On another occasion on his birthday, his mother found him playing with a finely crafted wooden puppet and discovered that it had been taken from one of her customer’s homes. His parents never made Osborn Jr. feel guilty about these things as they felt he deserved as much as other children even if they might not be able to provide them for him. They did not encourage his behavior overtly but they often looked the other way when Osborn Jr. would come home with something stolen. Osborn Jr. soon learned that he could eat and have things without having to work, he could just borrow from others who had more than they needed. Osborn’s father suffered illness because of their poverty and inability to pay for medicines or cures. Osborn Jr. began acting out more frequently and eventually ran afoul of the law. He was arrested more than once but one way or another would escape or break free. His family reputation suffered and eventually Osborn Jr. spent some time in the local jail for his petty crimes. In jail he met his new mentor, Jorich Lightfoot. Jorich was a master thief and happened to be locked up with Osborn Jr. where they took a liking to one another. Jorich being lonely and Osborn Jr. needing a mentor they became fast friends. After both were released from jail they found each other again, and Jorich took Osborn Jr. under his wing, teaching him the ways of pilfering, sneaking, trapfinding, and all manner of roguish tricks. Approximately 2 years after Jorich and Osborn Jr. met, Jorich left for a “big job” in the nearby city of Tarrin. Osborn Jr. begged his mother to let him go with Jorich, but his father was ill and his mother needed him to stay. Osborn Jr. waited for Jorich to return, but he never did. When his father regained health enough that Osborn Jr. could leave home, he traveled to Tarrin to look for his mentor and discovered that he had been caught and jailed again. There was a hefty fine to be paid before he could be released. Osborn Jr. did what he could to raise the money but was always short. One thing or another kept him from ever being able to pay the fine and Jorich became ill and died in prison. Osborn Jr. returned home, lonely and jaded; and vowed to do what he could to raise himself out of poverty. When the adventuring guild came looking to recruit adventurers he auditioned and won a spot as a “troubleshooter”. He packed up his belongings, kissed his mother goodbye and ventured out promising to return loaded down with riches from his adventures.

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