King's College Organization in Erellion | World Anvil
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King's College

King's College was established in Iron Forge in the year 1057 by royal decree of King Caelan Brasshand. The main purpose of the college is to study dwarf history and lore. It has since expanded to include basic educational elements for the low clans but still focuses on the education of mostly those children of the high clans.

Public Agenda

To educate all dwarfs about the past and re-discover the ancient secrets of dwarf culture.


The King's College has the backing of the royal family of Iron Forge so is well funded. Many of the High Clans donate funds to the college when their children attend but any citizen of Iron Forge can attend the college as long as they maintain their academics.


The King's College was a project of King Caelen Brasshand and was established in the city of Iron Forge shortly after he took the crown. It was his belief that the secrets to the future lied in the past so he established the college with the goal of studying dwarf history and educating dwarfs about the past.

Delving deep into the past

Founding Date
Educational, School/Academy

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