Cudgel District Settlement in Erellion | World Anvil
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Cudgel District


Cudgel District is primarily a residential district. Due to the vigilance of the local watch and the church of Castain , it's also the safest district in Sasserine. The citizens of Cudgel District know this, yet they are not a soft people; they remain ever vigilant to attack from within or without. The district also supports the largest dwarven population in Sasserine, there even stands a church dedicated to Moradin. Some of the finest smiths and crafters can be found within the dwarven community that resides here. Due to the large dwarven population most of the design of the buildings, bridges and other structures of dwarven architecture.


If you're from Cudgel District, it's possible that you've never left Sasserine. Indeed, it's possible that you have never left Cudgel District. The outer world is a place of mystery and, perhaps, fear for you, yet you may be equally intrigued by its lures. You almost certainly worship Castain or Moradin. If you are a ranger, then you probably specialise in fighting humans, as you have learned that humanity has the greatest capacity for evil and treachery.   Of the seven districts, the citizens of Cudgel District are the least likely to seek an adventurous lifestyle. Those who do become adventurers are viewed by family and friends as black sheep. This is especially true within the dwarven community, since carrying on the family trade is considered your duty to ones self, family and city.


Representative of the Dawn Council.

Cudgel District’s representative nobles are the Taskerhills Clan. Although they’re hardly the oldest noble family in Sasserine, the Taskerhills are easily the richest. Their ownership of Thunder River Lumber has ensured a constant inflow of profit for hundreds of years. The current patriarch of this noble family is Kalmadar Taskerhill.  

City Watch

In some ways, the Cudgel Watch are similar to the Champion’s Watch. Both are closely tied to their district’s official faith (in this case, Castain ), both present regular patrols in uniform, and both are fiercely loyal. Yet the Cudgel Watch is more concerned with preventing criminal activity than any other watch in Sasserine, to the extent that they sometimes overstep their bounds. Tales of wrongful imprisonment abound here, although the Cudgel Watch maintains that such cases are rare as a result. The citizens of Cudgel District are the least flamboyant and outgoing of the people of Sasserine, making the district a draw for those not as interested in the bustle of city life. Criminal activity in Cudgel District is more prevalent along the borders between Cudgel and Shadowshore and Merchant District. Of the watches, the Cudgel Watch is the most likely to pursue criminals into other districts or meddle with another district’s watch affairs, making them the least liked district watches.

Cudgel locations

  1. Cudgel Lighthouse
  2. Streetsweeper’s Guildhall
  3. Carpenter’s Guildhall
  4. Tentooth’s Taphouse (Tavern)
  5. Enad’s Trickery (Curio Shop)
  6. The Barrelhouse (Tavern)
  7. Low Market (General Goods)
  8. Fast Vera’s (Tavern)
  9. Welcome Home (Home Sales)
  10. Bent Bertha’s (Tavern)
  11. Little Sunrises (Magical Light Sources)
  12. Cudgel Garrison Adjunct
  13. The Thrice-Born Phoenix (Inn)
  14. Church of Gaen, Goddess of Light
  15. The SilverLode (Tavern)
  16. Building By Design (Construction)
  17. Eva’s Boat Rentals
  18. Tharvel’s Hides (Fine Hides and Leather Goods)
  19. The Legless Stork (Tavern)
  20. Marshwarden’s Hall (Guides for the Local Marshes)
  21. Three Thin Cats (General Goods)
  22. Black Crab (Brewery)
  23. The Golden Loin (Inn & Tavern)
  24. The Sacred Hound (Dog Trainers)
  25. Shrine of Dumathion (Dwarf god)
  26. Shrine of Berronar Truesilver (Dwarf God)
  27. Ratcatcher’s Guildhall
  28. Cudgel Garrison Adjunct
  29. Stonemason’s Guildhall
  30. The Whispering Anvil (Tavern and Inn)
  31. Shrine of Thamus, God of Healing
  32. Temple of Castain (District Church)
  33. Gondola Waystation
  34. Fishfood (Tavern)
  35. Delthar’s Protections (Fine Weaponry)
  36. Selder’s Tales (Cheap Novels)
  37. Bounty Hunters Guildhall
  38. Purifier’s Guildhall (Water Tower Maintenance)
  39. The Rasp (Tavern)
  40. The Unexpected Monkey (Tavern)
  41. West Market (General Goods, Lumber, Livestock)
  42. Sesker’s Whiskers (Brewery)
  43. Cudgel Garrison Adjunct
  44. Stirge in the Stew (Tavern)
  45. The Burning Dragon (Inn)
  46. Gondola Waystation
  47. Cudgel District Hall of Records
  48. Taskerhill Manor (District Representative)
  49. Cudgel Garrison
  50. Laughing Shark (Brewery)
  51. Crab Pond Ale (Brewery)
  52. Shrine of [Charlathan God/Goddess of Retribution and Reward]
  53. Dredger’s Crab River Waystation
  54. House of Moradin (Church) (dwarf god)
  55. Gilvery’s Goods (General Goods)
  56. Lumberjacker Ale (Brewery)
  57. Dredger’s Thunder River Waystation

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