Battlements and Armaments Geographic Location in Erellion | World Anvil
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Battlements and Armaments

Battlements and Armaments is a renowned shop located in the heart of a bustling merchant area of Azure district. The shop specializes in crafting large weapons for ships and watchtowers, as well as installing armor onto ships to provide them with added protection during battles or harsh weather conditions. The shop is owned and operated by a skilled dwarf named Beldin Ironfoot, who has years of experience in the trade.   As you step inside the shop, you are greeted by the sound of hammering and the sight of sparks flying as Beldin works on a new project. The walls of the shop are adorned with various weapons and armor pieces, ranging from small daggers to massive cannons. The shop has a rustic and rugged feel, with wooden beams and metal tools scattered about.One of the shop's specialties is crafting armor and weapons for large creatures, such as centaurs or giants. Beldin has a unique understanding of these creatures and is able to create armor and weapons that are tailored to their specific needs.   Overall, Battlements and Armaments is a must-visit shop for anyone in need of high-quality weapons or armor. Beldin Ironfoot's expertise and attention to detail ensure that every piece created in his shop is of the highest quality and built to last.


Azure #2
Characters in Location

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