Narish's Fingers Geographic Location in Erde | World Anvil
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Narish's Fingers

Narish looked around and realized that the landscape was not the same as five months before: the wide-leafed trees were tangled in colorful ivy, the reddish ground was not more covered with plants, but with flashy mushrooms instead, and many small beings of all colors roamed the place, specially bugs, lizards and frogs. Even the sand he just touched seemed to be different. I have a bad feeling about this, he thought, but there was work to do.   Less than an hour after arriving the land, the men were already strange. Tilam complained about a strong stomachache, while Zaari's was screaming desperately about his vision getting blurred. Even strong Glarik fell in the ground and started convulsing. What the hell is happening here ?   Narish felt a strange tingling on his right hand, and looked at them; the fingers were getting numb and... orange! The sand is poisoned?   It was later discovered that the torpor was temporary, but, looking at Glarik, Narish prefered to be safer than sorry: covering a rock with his cape, he put his right arm on it, raised his blade and chopped the hand off. Since that day, he was known as Narish, the cautious.  
The Islands of Death


Narish's Fingers is a small archipelago with 5 main Islands, located at around 16º North in the Sea of Talung. Each of the islands is named after one of the five fingers (in the azarai language). From the bigger to the smaller:   Thupa (thumb Komba (pointer Pakathi (middle Ezine (ring Ancane (pinky).   All the islands seem to have small streams of water, and Thupa has a small central lake. The terrain is mountainous, with a 350 meter tall volcano in Komba.   The tropical climate grants high temperatures and heavy rains practically during the whole year.

Fauna & Flora

Seasonal Poison

  In the summer, the higher temperatures bring new forms of life to the islands, being them animal, vegetal or microbial. The main reason for that is that some species fungus, that thrive only in this season, are vital to some kinds of insects, plants and other lifeforms. When the fungus is not available, these beings' eggs and seeds enter a hibernation mode, just waiting for some fungi nutrients to eclode.   These "summer beings" metabolize the fungi in their own way, keeping most of their toxins and even using them in their favor. The result is that most of them are venomous or poisonous, what directly affects the landscape: not being able to bear the toxins, most birds migrate, the smaller plants die and even some fish species seem to disappear. That brings room for the seasonal creatures, many of them very colorful, to thrive and spread through the islands.   Some fungi species can be found on the top of the volcano in Komba during the whole year, because of the high temperatures in that location.
Alternative Name(s)
Islands of Death, The cannibal sisters, Islands of Poisonous Summer

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