Manvali poison Material in Erde | World Anvil
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Manvali poison

Linden pulled a bottle from his left sleeve and raised it to the height of his face. Slaria could see a dark grey liquid in the bottle, that looked small in comparison to the stopper.   "Directly from Engoru", said Linden, "Manvali poison. Sweet for the nose, not so much for the throat. Some drops and even a horse will choke to death, with no chance to be survive."   Almost no chance, thought Slaria. Otherwise, her plan would never work.  
Tales from the Shadows, vol.1


Material Characteristics

Manvalin poison is a dark grey liquid with the consistence of the most common wines.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Manvalin poison has a slightly sweet aroma and taste, and obviously is a toxic substance. The immediate effect in the body is the swelling and consequent closure of the throat, making it impossible to breathe.

Geology & Geography

The Manvali mushroom, from which the poison is extracted, is natural from Engoru Savanna. Successful attempts made it possible to grow in certain areas of Talung.

Origin & Source

The Manvali mushroom.

Life & Expiration

In nature, the Manvali mushroom lives up to two months. Its poison, however, when well preserved, can keep its effects for up to 4 months.

History & Usage


The Manvali poison is well known for centuries in Engoru.

Everyday use

In Engoru, the most common use is in the hunt.   However, since the Zivar made their pact with the Benti, this use was abandoned by the younger people. The Benti do recognize the poison as a powerful weapon, but their culture considers it a coward trick.
Softly sweet
For the average person, no taste at all; for trained tongues, slightly sweet.
Dark Grey
Common State
It's usually found in the stalk of the Manvali mushroom
Related Locations
Related Species

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