Viridia Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Nowadays the nation is ruled by the VLAS with the Headmaster as the sovereign. The nation has no race restriction policy and due to its proximity to the Tichomrok Jungles is nowadays widely populated by representatives of the so-called beastoids.
Nation Name Viridia
Alternative Name
Founding Date 760 NC
Location Slender Bay
Capital Marsa
Populace Mixed

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  • 760 NC

    The Foundation of Viridia

    The territories where now Viridia stands were once a part of the Empire of Kalapesas but they were laid to ruin after the collapse of the empire. After many years Humans started repopulating the area searching for a vantage point to explore the Tichomrok Jungles. The area was invested in by eccentric figures with various origins. Soon the region became populated with people from multiple races most of them with a common interest - studies of the arcane. In 760 NC in the city of Marsa the completion of the headquarters for the Viridian League of Arcane Studies also marked the establishment of the nation of Viridia.

    Additional timelines


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